Spatially resolved diagnostics for optimization of large ion beam sources

G Serianni, E Sartori, R Agnello, P Agostinetti… - Review of Scientific …, 2022 -
Giant negative ion sources for neutral beam injectors deliver huge negative ion currents,
thanks to their multi-beamlet configuration. As the single-beamlet optics defines the …

The PRIMA Test Facility: SPIDER and MITICA test-beds for ITER neutral beam injectors

V Toigo, R Piovan, S Dal Bello, E Gaio… - New Journal of …, 2017 -
Abstract The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF), called PRIMA (Padova Research on
ITER Megavolt Accelerator), is hosted in Padova, Italy and includes two experiments …

Towards large and powerful radio frequency driven negative ion sources for fusion

B Heinemann, U Fantz, W Kraus… - New Journal of …, 2017 -
The ITER neutral beam system will be equipped with radio-frequency (RF) negative ion
sources, based on the IPP Garching prototype source design. Up to 100 kW at 1 MHz is …

Detailed design optimization of the MITICA negative ion accelerator in view of the ITER NBI

P Agostinetti, D Aprile, V Antoni, M Cavenago… - Nuclear …, 2015 -
Abstract The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility (PRIMA) is presently under construction at
Consorzio RFX (Padova, Italy). PRIMA includes two experimental devices: an ITER-size ion …

First operation in SPIDER and the path to complete MITICA

G Serianni, V Toigo, M Bigi, M Boldrin… - Review of Scientific …, 2020 -
The requirements of ITER neutral beam injectors (1 MeV, 40 A negative deuterium ion
current for 1 h) have never been simultaneously attained; therefore, a dedicated Neutral …

Progress in the ITER neutral beam test facility

V Toigo, S Dal Bello, M Bigi, M Boldrin… - Nuclear …, 2019 -
Heating neutral beam (HNB) injectors, necessary to achieve burning conditions and to
control plasma instabilities in ITER, are characterized by such demanding parameters that a …

Conceptual design of a beam source for negative neutral beam injector of CRAFT facility

Y **e, C Hu, J Wei, Y Gu, L Liang, Y Xu, C Jiang… - Fusion Engineering and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT) is a large
scientific device that is preferentially deployed in China's" Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" for the …

Conceptual design of the DEMO neutral beam injectors: main developments and R&D achievements

P Sonato, P Agostinetti, T Bolzonella, F Cismondi… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
The objectives of the nuclear fusion power plant DEMO, to be built after the ITER
experimental reactor, are usually understood to lie somewhere between those of ITER and …

The ITER neutral beam test facility towards SPIDER operation

V Toigo, S Dal Bello, E Gaio, A Luchetta… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
SPIDER is one of two projects of the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility under construction in
Padova, Italy, at the Consorzio RFX premises. It will have a 100 keV beam source with a full …

Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI systems

U Fantz, C Hopf, D Wünderlich, R Friedl… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
The test facility ELISE represents an important step in the European R&D roadmap towards
the neutral beam injection (NBI) systems on ITER. ELISE provides early experience with …