Guidelines for best practices in monitoring established coeliac disease in adult patients

L Elli, D Leffler, C Cellier, B Lebwohl, C Ciacci… - Nature Reviews …, 2024 -
Coeliac disease (CeD) is an immunological disease triggered by the consumption of gluten
contained in food in individuals with a genetic predisposition. Diagnosis is based on the …

[HTML][HTML] Challenges of monitoring the gluten-free diet adherence in the management and follow-up of patients with celiac disease

H Wieser, Á Ruiz-Carnicer, V Segura, I Comino… - Nutrients, 2021 -
Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic gluten-responsive immune mediated enteropathy and is
treated with a gluten-free diet (GFD). However, a strict diet for life is not easy due to the …

Defensive responses to stressful life events associated with cancer diagnosis

M Miniati, M Miccoli, R Ciacchini, G Orrù… - … Journal of Clinical …, 2020 -
Objectives: Stressful life events (SLEs) are common in patients who developed both physical
and psychological syndromes. Research shown the role of psychological defense …

Quality of life and psychological functioning in postmenopausal women undergoing aromatase inhibitor treatment for early breast cancer

G Martino, A Catalano, RM Agostino, F Bellone… - PloS one, 2020 -
Introduction Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) dramatically increased breast cancer (BC) survival,
leading to enhanced attention to their long-term consequences on psychological …

Factors associated with maladaptive eating behaviors, social anxiety, and quality of life in adults with celiac disease

AR Lee, B Lebwohl, J Lebovits, RL Wolf, EJ Ciaccio… - Nutrients, 2021 -
A gluten-free diet (GFD), which is the only treatment for celiac disease (CeD), is challenging
and associated with higher levels of anxiety, disordered eating, and lower quality of life …

Body mass index and quality of life in individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome: Dysmorphic concerns and eating disorders as mediators

N Barberis, D Calaresi, M Cannavò… - Frontiers in Public …, 2022 -
Objective Weight issues, dysmorphic concerns and eating disorders are common among
individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and are linked to poor quality of life …

Psychological, psychiatric, and organic brain manifestations of celiac disease

EJ Ciaccio, AR Lee, J Lebovits, RL Wolf, SK Lewis… - Digestive …, 2024 -
Introduction: Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that affects approximately 1% of the
population worldwide. Although its main impact often concerns the small intestine, resulting …

[PDF][PDF] Psychiatric and neurological manifestations of celiac disease in adults

R Alkhiari, R Alkhiari - Cureus, 2023 -
Celiac disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestines, affects 0.7% to 1.4%
of the world's population. CD causes diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, bloating, flatulence …

Alexithymia in a self determination theory framework: The interplay of psychological basic needs, parental autonomy support and psychological control

N Barberis, M Cannavò, F Cuzzocrea… - Journal of Child and …, 2023 - Springer
Researchers have become increasingly interested in deepening their understanding of the
role of social environments in alexithymia—a difficulty in identifying one's and others' …

Systematic review: Exploration of the impact of psychosocial factors on quality of life in adults living with coeliac disease

SP Möller, B Hayes, H Wilding, P Apputhurai… - Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Individuals living with coeliac disease generally experience a remission of
symptoms after adopting the gluten-free diet but often report substantial treatment burden …