The resurgence of the linear optics quantum interferometer—recent advances & applications
Linear optics has seen a resurgence for applications in quantum information processing
owing to its miniaturisation on-chip, and increase in production efficiency and quality of …
owing to its miniaturisation on-chip, and increase in production efficiency and quality of …
Conversion of Gaussian states to non-Gaussian states using photon-number-resolving detectors
Generation of high-fidelity photonic non-Gaussian states is a crucial ingredient for universal
quantum computation using continuous-variable platforms, yet it remains a challenge to do …
quantum computation using continuous-variable platforms, yet it remains a challenge to do …
Two-photon and three-photon blockades in driven nonlinear systems
Photon blockade, in analogy to Coulomb's or phonon blockades, is a phenomenon when a
single photon in a nonlinear cavity blocks the transmission of a second photon. This effect …
single photon in a nonlinear cavity blocks the transmission of a second photon. This effect …
Quantum state engineering by a coherent superposition of photon subtraction and addition
We study a coherent superposition t â+ r ↠of field annihilation and creation operators
acting on continuous variable systems and propose its application for quantum state …
acting on continuous variable systems and propose its application for quantum state …
Conditional generation of arbitrary single-mode quantum states of light by repeated photon subtractions
We propose a scheme for the conditional generation of arbitrary finite superpositions of Fock
states in a single mode of a traveling optical field. The setup requires a source of squeezed …
states in a single mode of a traveling optical field. The setup requires a source of squeezed …
Generalized quantum scissors for noiseless linear amplification
We generalize the concept of optical state truncation and noiseless linear amplification to
enable truncation of the Fock-state expansion of an optical state to higher order and to …
enable truncation of the Fock-state expansion of an optical state to higher order and to …
Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-mode optical states by means of a nonlocal single photon
We employ the quantum state of a single photon entangled with the vacuum (| GROUP⟩ A|
GROUP⟩ B−| GROUP⟩ A| GROUP⟩ B), generated by a photon incident upon a symmetric …
GROUP⟩ B−| GROUP⟩ A| GROUP⟩ B), generated by a photon incident upon a symmetric …
Hybrid photon–phonon blockade
We describe a novel type of blockade in a hybrid mode generated by linear coupling of
photonic and phononic modes. We refer to this effect as hybrid photon–phonon blockade …
photonic and phononic modes. We refer to this effect as hybrid photon–phonon blockade …
Quantum-scissors device for optical state truncation: A proposal for practical realization
We propose a realizable experimental scheme to prepare superposition of the vacuum and
one-photon states by truncating an input coherent state. The scheme is based on the …
one-photon states by truncating an input coherent state. The scheme is based on the …
Quantum scissors–finite-dimensional states engineering
This work discusses quantum states defined in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. In
particular, after the presentation of some of them and their basic properties, the work …
particular, after the presentation of some of them and their basic properties, the work …