Incorporating heterogeneous information for personalized tag recommendation in social tagging systems
A social tagging system provides users an effective way to collaboratively annotate and
organize items with their own tags. A social tagging system contains heterogeneous …
organize items with their own tags. A social tagging system contains heterogeneous …
Multirelational social recommendations via multigraph ranking
Recommender systems aim to identify relevant items for particular users in large-scale
online applications. The historical rating data of users is a valuable input resource for many …
online applications. The historical rating data of users is a valuable input resource for many …
Adaptive personalized recommender system using learning automata and items clustering
The personalized recommender systems provide user-related services based on user
preferences; these preferences are recorded in an individual profile. Therefore, the more …
preferences; these preferences are recorded in an individual profile. Therefore, the more …
Tag-based recommendation
T Bogers - Social Information Access: Systems and Technologies, 2018 - Springer
Social tagging is an information classification paradigm where the users themselves are
given the power to describe and categorize content for their own purposes using tags. The …
given the power to describe and categorize content for their own purposes using tags. The …
Hybrid ecommerce recommendation model incorporating product taxonomy and folksonomy
Time-aware topic recommendation based on micro-blogs
Topic recommendation can help users deal with the information overload issue in micro-
blogging communities. This paper proposes to use the implicit information network formed …
blogging communities. This paper proposes to use the implicit information network formed …
Dynamic user profile for adaptive personalized recommender system using learning automata
The personalized recommender systems provide favorite services based on user
preferences and interests. Due to the user's interests changing over time; hence the …
preferences and interests. Due to the user's interests changing over time; hence the …
A personalized recommender system based on users' information in folksonomies
Thanks to the high popularity and simplicity of folksonomies, many users tend to share
objects (movies, songs, bookmarks, etc.) by annotating them with a set of tags of their own …
objects (movies, songs, bookmarks, etc.) by annotating them with a set of tags of their own …
[PDF][PDF] A new strategy in trust-based recommender system using k-means clustering
NS Sani, FN Tabriz - International Journal of Advanced …, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Recommender systems are among the most important parts of online systems, including
online stores such as Amazon, Netflix that have become very popular in the recent years …
online stores such as Amazon, Netflix that have become very popular in the recent years …