Impact of the winter 2013–2014 series of severe Western Europe storms on a double-barred sandy coast: Beach and dune erosion and megacusp embayments
The winter of 2013/2014 was characterized by a striking pattern of temporal and spatial
extreme storm wave clustering in Western Europe. The 110-km long Gironde coast, SW …
extreme storm wave clustering in Western Europe. The 110-km long Gironde coast, SW …
Satellite-derived shoreline detection at a high-energy meso-macrotidal beach
Publicly available satellite imagery can now provide multi-decadal time series of shoreline
data from local to global scale, enabling analysis of sandy beach shoreline variability across …
data from local to global scale, enabling analysis of sandy beach shoreline variability across …
Morphodynamics of wave-dominated beaches
Wave-dominated sandy beaches are highly valued by societies and are amongst the world's
most energetic and dynamic environments. On wave-dominated beaches with unlimited …
most energetic and dynamic environments. On wave-dominated beaches with unlimited …
[HTML][HTML] Feedbacks between biotic and abiotic processes governing the development of foredune blowouts: a review
This paper reviews the initiation, development, and closure of foredune blowouts with focus
on biotic-abiotic interactions. There is a rich body of literature describing field measurements …
on biotic-abiotic interactions. There is a rich body of literature describing field measurements …
Beach response to a sequence of extreme storms
A sequence of daily beach surveys acquired over one month covering an area larger than
100,000 m 2, was analyzed to study morphological changes resulting from a cluster of …
100,000 m 2, was analyzed to study morphological changes resulting from a cluster of …
Foredune morphological changes and beach recovery from the extreme 2013/2014 winter at a high-energy sandy coast
The beach-dune response at Truc Vert, SW France, is analysed using DGPS topographic
surveys sampled every 2–4 weeks covering an alongshore distance of 1.5 km, combined …
surveys sampled every 2–4 weeks covering an alongshore distance of 1.5 km, combined …
Wave runup during extreme storm conditions
Video measurements of wave runup were collected during extreme storm conditions
characterized by energetic long swells (peak period of 16.4 s and offshore height up to 6.4 …
characterized by energetic long swells (peak period of 16.4 s and offshore height up to 6.4 …
Morphological coupling in multiple sandbar systems–a review
Subtidal sandbars often exhibit alongshore variable patterns, such as crescentic plan
shapes and rip channels. While the initial formation of these patterns is reasonably well …
shapes and rip channels. While the initial formation of these patterns is reasonably well …
16 years of topographic surveys of rip-channelled high-energy meso-macrotidal sandy beach
Sandy beaches are highly dynamic environments buffering shores from storm waves and
providing outstanding recreational services. Long-term beach monitoring programs are …
providing outstanding recreational services. Long-term beach monitoring programs are …
Shoreline resilience to individual storms and storm clusters on a meso-macrotidal barred beach
This study investigates the impact of individual storms and storm clusters on shoreline
recovery for the meso-to macrotidal, barred Biscarrosse beach in SW France, using 6 years …
recovery for the meso-to macrotidal, barred Biscarrosse beach in SW France, using 6 years …