Quality of life and life satisfaction in former athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Sport participation has many physical and psychosocial benefits, but there is
also an inherent risk of injury, subsequent osteoarthritis and psychological challenges that …
also an inherent risk of injury, subsequent osteoarthritis and psychological challenges that …
Sport and early osteoarthritis: the role of sport in aetiology, progression and treatment of knee osteoarthritis
F Vannini, T Spalding, L Andriolo, M Berruto… - Knee Surgery, Sports …, 2016 - Springer
Sports activities are considered favourable for general health; nevertheless, a possible
influence of sports practice on the development of early osteoarthritis (OA) is a cause for …
influence of sports practice on the development of early osteoarthritis (OA) is a cause for …
Self-reported sports injuries and later-life health status in 3357 retired Olympians from 131 countries: a cross-sectional survey among those competing in the games …
Objective Describe the self-reported prevalence and nature of Olympic-career injury and
general health and current residual symptoms in a self-selected sample of retired …
general health and current residual symptoms in a self-selected sample of retired …
Prevalence of knee pain, radiographic osteoarthritis and arthroplasty in retired professional footballers compared with men in the general population: a cross-sectional …
GS Fernandes, SM Parekh, J Moses… - British journal of sports …, 2018 - bjsm.bmj.com
Objectives To determine the prevalence of knee pain, radiographic knee osteoarthritis
(RKOA), total knee replacement (TKR) and associated risk factors in male ex-professional …
(RKOA), total knee replacement (TKR) and associated risk factors in male ex-professional …
Does sports participation (including level of performance and previous injury) increase risk of osteoarthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis
G Tran, TO Smith, A Grice, SR Kingsbury… - British journal of sports …, 2016 - bjsm.bmj.com
Background To assess the relationship between sport and osteoarthritis (OA), and
specifically to determine whether previous participation, in terms of level (elite or non-elite) …
specifically to determine whether previous participation, in terms of level (elite or non-elite) …
Prevalencia de artrosis de rodilla en una muestra aleatoria poblacional en personas de 40 y más años de edad
D Rodriguez-Veiga, C González-Martín… - Gaceta médica de …, 2019 - scielo.org.mx
Introducción: La artrosis es la enfermedad osteoarticular con mayor prevalencia en todo el
mundo. En los países industrializados, 80% de la población> 65 años la padece. Objetivos …
mundo. En los países industrializados, 80% de la población> 65 años la padece. Objetivos …
Retirement of professional soccer players–A systematic review from social sciences perspectives
M Barth, A Güllich, CA Forstinger… - Journal of Sports …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Retiring professional athletes face multifaceted changes and potential issues of adjustment,
occupational development, and well-being, which raises concerns around the world. The …
occupational development, and well-being, which raises concerns around the world. The …
Health conditions among retired professional footballers: a sco** review
S Carmody, K Anemaat, A Massey… - BMJ Open Sport & …, 2022 - bmjopensem.bmj.com
Objective To conduct a sco** review providing an overview of the health conditions
occuring in retired male and female professional footballers, with an emphasis on …
occuring in retired male and female professional footballers, with an emphasis on …
Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in former athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis
FO Madaleno, BA Santos, VL Araújo… - Brazilian journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in former athletes is still unclear. Objective To
investigate prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in former athletes. Moreover, the secondary aim …
investigate prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in former athletes. Moreover, the secondary aim …
Does playing football (soccer) really increase the risk of knee osteoarthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis
JO Wållgren, A Ferré-Aniorte, EH Senorski… - Journal of Orthopaedic & …, 2024 - jospt.org
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between football (soccer) participation and
tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis (OA), considering the influence of competitive level and …
tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis (OA), considering the influence of competitive level and …