Implementation of adaptive learning systems: Current state and potential

C Imhof, P Bergamin, S McGarrity - Online teaching and learning in higher …, 2020 - Springer
Adaptive learning systems have been on the rise ever since the beginnings of e-learning.
Their ability to provide instructions, guidance and content tailored towards learners' …

[PDF][PDF] Learning management systems: The game changer for traditional teaching and learning at adult and higher education institutions

L Reid, L Reid - Global Journal of Human Social Science: G …, 2019 -
This qualitative case study explored how learning management systems influence adult
learners' method of acquiring higher education, how learning management systems …

Integration of motion diagram based module to improve students' conceptual understanding of 1 dimentional kinematics

MRA Taqwa, A Suyudi, R Faizah - Journal of Physics …, 2022 -
This study aims to see the effectiveness of using motion diagram-based module to improve
students' conceptual understanding of 1D Kinematics. We have integrated module in online …

Considerations towards culturally-adaptive instructional systems

MMP Talandron-Felipe - International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2021 - Springer
This work proposes a conceptual framework that captures cultural considerations in
providing options in the way learners interact with an instructional system. It revisits the …

Effectiveness of Edmodo-Based Mobile Learning System Application In Physics Learning For XI MIPA Students SMA Negeri 1 Makassar

A Fauziah, S Junaedi, BD Amin - Asian Journal of Science …, 2023 -
The research aims to determine the effectiveness of guided inquiry with Edmodo-based
mobile learning system implementation in physics learning. Edmodo is a learning …

Development of a Prototype Sports Physics Module for Physics Students at Universitas Negeri Makassar

MB Primadi - MACCA: Science-Edu Journal, 2024 -
This study aims to develop a prototype sports physics module that can be used by physics
students to connect physics theory with its application in sports. The module is designed with …

[PDF][PDF] A Brief Review on Adaptive Learning Applied for Teaching Physics

M Elfoudali, AA Lahcen - 2022 -
Web-based learning or E-learning is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, the need
for effective learning environments is increasing by the day. The aim of using e-learning is to …

[PDF][PDF] Educational Data Mining and Personalized Support in Online Introductory Physics Courses.

F Al-Shamali, H Yan, S Graf, F Lin - EDM, 2020 -
Physics has always been a challenging subject for many students. Research also shows a
gap between instructional goals and actual student learning in introductory physics courses …

[PDF][PDF] Wo führt der Weg entlang-Adaptive Learning im Fernstudium

M Holthaus, P Bergamin -
Wo führt der Weg entlang - Adaptive Learning im Fernstudium Page 1 ▪ Start: Ende 2013. ▪ Ziel:
Langfristiger Aufbau von Kompetenzen, Tools und Angeboten im Bereich des personalisierten …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of mood and curiosity on mental effort and learning performance during problem solving in adaptive learning

E Werlen, F Hirt - 2019 -
In the context of adaptive learning designs, we are interested in gaining insight into the
influence that mood and curiosity exert on effort and performance. The influence of mood on …