[HTML][HTML] Manifold habitat effects on the prevalence and diversity of avian blood parasites
Habitats are rapidly changing across the planet and the consequences will have major and
long-lasting effects on wildlife and their parasites. Birds harbor many types of blood …
long-lasting effects on wildlife and their parasites. Birds harbor many types of blood …
[HTML][HTML] Ecological Effects on the Dynamics of West Nile Virus and Avian Plasmodium: The Importance of Mosquito Communities and Landscape
Humans and wildlife are at risk from certain vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue,
and West Nile and yellow fevers. Factors linked to global change, including habitat …
and West Nile and yellow fevers. Factors linked to global change, including habitat …
Ecological determinants of avian malaria infections: an integrative analysis at landscape, mosquito and vertebrate community levels
Vector and host communities, as well as habitat characteristics, may have important but
different impacts on the prevalence, richness and evenness of vector‐borne parasites. We …
different impacts on the prevalence, richness and evenness of vector‐borne parasites. We …
Host species, and not environment, predicts variation in blood parasite prevalence, distribution, and diversity along a humidity gradient in northern South America
Environmental factors strongly influence the ecology and evolution of vector‐borne
infectious diseases. However, our understanding of the influence of climatic variation on …
infectious diseases. However, our understanding of the influence of climatic variation on …
Haemosporidian infection and co-infection affect host survival and reproduction in wild populations of great tits
Theoretical studies predict that parasitic infection may impact host longevity and ultimately
modify the trade-off between reproduction and survival. Indeed, a host may adjust its energy …
modify the trade-off between reproduction and survival. Indeed, a host may adjust its energy …
Landscape and mosquito community impact the avian Plasmodium infection in Culex pipiens
Avian malaria parasites provide an important model for studying host-pathogen interactions,
yet understanding their dynamics in vectors under natural conditions is limited. We …
yet understanding their dynamics in vectors under natural conditions is limited. We …
The prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites in an invasive bird is lower in urban than in non‐urban environments
Urbanization affects the ecology of wildlife diseases and although it has been suggested
that there are lower risks of infection in urban areas, there have been no experiments to …
that there are lower risks of infection in urban areas, there have been no experiments to …
Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) as a tolerant host of avian malaria parasites
Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) are a social, polygamous bird species whose
populations have rapidly expanded their geographic range across North America over the …
populations have rapidly expanded their geographic range across North America over the …
Plasmodium prevalence across avian host species is positively associated with exposure to mosquito vectors
The prevalence of vector-borne parasites varies greatly across host species, and this
heterogeneity has been used to relate infectious disease susceptibility to host species traits …
heterogeneity has been used to relate infectious disease susceptibility to host species traits …
Ecological traps: evidence of a fitness cost in a cavity-nesting bird
Habitat quality has direct effects on the evolutionary fitness of breeding organisms, which is
why it is believed that animals tend to have an evolved preference for the best possible …
why it is believed that animals tend to have an evolved preference for the best possible …