Exploring success factors and relationships in virtual learning using ISM and fuzzy MICMAC analysis

P Chuaphun, T Samanchuen - Heliyon, 2024‏ - cell.com
The COVID-19 pandemic's consequences have led to a global change in educational
settings towards online learning. The utilization of virtual learning (VL) has increased …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between the Turkish EFL students' readiness for online learning and their perceptions of the effects of distance education on four English …

AE Yastibaş, NK Kayali, A Altuntaş - The Reading Matrix: An …, 2023‏ - researchgate.net
Considering the increasing significance of distance or online education in English language
teaching, understanding the factors that may affect English as a foreign language (EFL) …

Are You Enjoying It--" Online Learning"? Enjoyment of Study, Study Engagement, Learning Performance, and Informal Learning.

SCH Chan - International Journal of Education and Development …, 2023‏ - ERIC
Following the increasing use of online learning among academic institutions worldwide, this
study examined the relationships between enjoyment of study, study engagement, learning …

The The Barriers in Online Assessment for Professional Certification: A Case Study In Indonesia

LC Manggalasari, A Jantos, T Koehler… - Journal of …, 2023‏ - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Certification exams conducted online must be of the same quality as those conducted on-
site. To achieve this, it is necessary to conduct a study in which assessors need to identify …

A Descriptive Study of Adult Student Preferences for Technology-Enabled Learner Support amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.

J Marx - International Journal of Education and Development …, 2022‏ - ERIC
Although online distance education provides adult learners with an opportunity for lifelong
learning, technology-enabled learner support remains a challenge. The COVID-19 …

Emotion recognition of consumer comments based on graphic fusion

L Lin, M Yuan, S Pang, R Wang - International Journal of …, 2024‏ - inderscienceonline.com
Multimodal sentiment classification is the use of image and text data to mine the potential
emotions in consumer reviews. The picture scenes of the comments are complex, and there …