[HTML][HTML] Electric cargo cycles-A comprehensive review
Electric cargo cycles (E-cargo cycles) have the potential to reduce the negative impacts of
transportation systems, when utilised for the right application. There is a growing literature …
transportation systems, when utilised for the right application. There is a growing literature …
[HTML][HTML] Electric mobility in a smart city: European overview
According to the United Nations (UN), although cities occupy only 3% of Earth's surface, they
host more than half of the global population, are responsible for 70% of energy …
host more than half of the global population, are responsible for 70% of energy …
Parcel delivery in urban areas: Opportunities and threats for the mix of traditional and green business models
In recent years, the role of freight transportation and parcel delivery in urban areas has
increased, supporting the economic and social development of cities. At the same time, the …
increased, supporting the economic and social development of cities. At the same time, the …
Evaluating the impacts of using cargo cycles on urban logistics: Integrating traffic, environmental and operational boundaries
Abstract Introduction European Commission has promoted actions and policies with the aim
of reducing the negative impacts on traffic and environment caused by city logistics. One …
of reducing the negative impacts on traffic and environment caused by city logistics. One …
Smart urban logistics: Literature review and future directions
Urban logistics, which is centered around defining and analyzing the logistical problems of
the modern city, and develo** solutions and models, is one of the most important …
the modern city, and develo** solutions and models, is one of the most important …
Electric vehicles in the last mile of urban freight transportation: A sustainability assessment of postal deliveries in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil
The growth of urban population and the rise of e-commerce activities increase the
complexity of the last-mile of parcel deliveries and its impacts to the environment and quality …
complexity of the last-mile of parcel deliveries and its impacts to the environment and quality …
Sustainable vehicles-based alternatives in last mile distribution of urban freight transport: A systematic literature review
CM Oliveira, R Albergaria De Mello Bandeira… - Sustainability, 2017 - mdpi.com
The advent of new technologies in last mile deliveries is about to cause a disruption in the
traditional business model applied in urban cargo transportation, thus presenting …
traditional business model applied in urban cargo transportation, thus presenting …
Sustainable urban freight for energy-efficient smart cities—systematic literature review
Smart cities need energy-efficient and low-emission transportation for people and goods.
Most studies focus on sustainable urban-transportation systems for passengers. Freight …
Most studies focus on sustainable urban-transportation systems for passengers. Freight …
An analytics approach to decision alternative prioritization for zero-emission zone logistics
Urban freight transportation requires wise management considerations since it is one of the
most challenging issues cities face to attain sustainability. To help with the challenging …
most challenging issues cities face to attain sustainability. To help with the challenging …
Towards sustainable last-mile logistics: A decision-making model for complex urban contexts
E-commerce growth is raising the demand for logistic activities, especially in the last-mile,
which is considered the most ineffective part of the supply chain and a negative externalities …
which is considered the most ineffective part of the supply chain and a negative externalities …