Saccadic eye movement in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia, and mild cognitive impairment
(MCI) is considered the transitional state to AD dementia (ADD) and other types of dementia …
(MCI) is considered the transitional state to AD dementia (ADD) and other types of dementia …
Eye-tracking paradigms for the assessment of mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review
A Wolf, K Tripanpitak, S Umeda… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), representing the 'transitional zone'between normal
cognition and dementia, has become a novel topic in clinical research. Although early …
cognition and dementia, has become a novel topic in clinical research. Although early …
Eye movement changes as an indicator of mild cognitive impairment
Background Early identification of patients at risk of dementia, alongside timely medical
intervention, can prevent disease progression. Despite their potential clinical utility, the …
intervention, can prevent disease progression. Despite their potential clinical utility, the …
How does aging affect social attention? A test of competing theories using multilevel meta-analysis
Objectives The present study provides a meta-analytic assessment of how gaze-cued
attention—a core social-cognitive process—is influenced by normal adult aging. Methods A …
attention—a core social-cognitive process—is influenced by normal adult aging. Methods A …
Inhibitory control of saccadic eye movements and cognitive impairment in mild cognitive impairment
Background Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may occur due to several forms of
neurodegenerative diseases and non-degenerative conditions and is associated with …
neurodegenerative diseases and non-degenerative conditions and is associated with …
Eye movement alterations in post-COVID-19 condition: A proof-of-concept study
C García Cena, MC Costa, R Saltarén Pazmiño… - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
There is much evidence pointing out eye movement alterations in several neurological
diseases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first video-oculography study describing …
diseases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first video-oculography study describing …
Distinctive visual tasks for characterizing mild cognitive impairment and dementia using oculomotor behavior
Introduction One's eye movement (in response to visual tasks) provides a unique window
into the cognitive processes and higher-order cognitive functions that become adversely …
into the cognitive processes and higher-order cognitive functions that become adversely …
The application of saccades to assess cognitive impairment among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Zhang, X Huang, R An, W **ao, Q Wan - Aging Clinical and Experimental …, 2023 - Springer
Background Saccade is a novel and feasible method for cognition assessment and has
potential to screen older people with cognitive impairment. Objectives To systematically …
potential to screen older people with cognitive impairment. Objectives To systematically …
The influence of stimulus eccentricity on prosaccade outcomes in patients with Alzheimer's Disease dementia at an early stage and amnestic mild cognitive …
H Eraslan Boz, K Koçoğlu, M Akkoyun… - Journal of Clinical …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction Prosaccade task is a widely used objective method to evaluate reflexive
saccade and visual attention. The study aimed to investigate prosaccade stimulus …
saccade and visual attention. The study aimed to investigate prosaccade stimulus …
The Eyes as a Window to the Brain and Mind
This chapter will provide an overview of the past and current topics in eye movement
research, which will be more widely addressed within the proceeding chapters in this book …
research, which will be more widely addressed within the proceeding chapters in this book …