Two-dimensional field-effect transistor sensors: the road toward commercialization
C Dai, Y Liu, D Wei - Chemical Reviews, 2022 - ACS Publications
The evolutionary success in information technology has been sustained by the rapid growth
of sensor technology. Recently, advances in sensor technology have promoted the …
of sensor technology. Recently, advances in sensor technology have promoted the …
Information-based control of robots in search-and-rescue missions with human prior knowledge
Multirobot systems provide a scalable and robust solution for monitoring tasks. In time-
intensive missions such as search and rescue, the inclusion of a human has the potential …
intensive missions such as search and rescue, the inclusion of a human has the potential …
The importance of search strategy for finding targets in open terrain
A number of real-world search tasks (ie police search, detection of improvised explosive
devices (IEDs)) require searchers to search exhaustively across open ground. In the present …
devices (IEDs)) require searchers to search exhaustively across open ground. In the present …
[PDF][PDF] Deriving objective probability of detection for missing-person search: Validating use of effective sweep width and associated mathematical models
KB Chiacchia, HE Houlahan - Journal of Search & Rescue …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Effective sweep width (W) promises objective probability of detection (POD) values for
guiding missingperson search efforts. However, methods for measuring W produce large …
guiding missingperson search efforts. However, methods for measuring W produce large …
[PDF][PDF] Factors that Affect the Success of Search and Rescue Missions: Perceptions of Search and Rescue Crews of Malaysian Police Air Wing
M Harridon, AS Shukri - International Journal of Scientific and …, 2020 - academia.edu
The Malaysian Police Air Wing has a Search and Rescue Unit that actuates Search and
Rescue using aircraft and aviation related equipment. The personnel involved are trained …
Rescue using aircraft and aviation related equipment. The personnel involved are trained …
[PDF][PDF] Object recognition and detection: Potential implications from vision science for wilderness searching
S McClanahan - J Search Rescue, 2021 - journalofsar.com
Field searching relies heavily on human vision and the ability to recognize objects that are
out of place in their environment. Searchers seek to continually improve their ability to detect …
out of place in their environment. Searchers seek to continually improve their ability to detect …
[PDF][PDF] A Pragmatic Approach to Applied Search Theory
G Mansfield, J Carlson, D Merrifield… - Journal of Search & …, 2020 - wasspu.org
Abstract The Washington State SAR Planning Unit (SSPU) was activated in 2018 to provide
advanced search planning resources to regional incident commands during extended or …
advanced search planning resources to regional incident commands during extended or …
Rescue Decision Support for Marine Wrecked Ships Based on Multi-agent Modeling and Simulation
L Yang, H Liu, YB Xue, YL Tian, X Li - International Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - Springer
Maritime search and rescue (MSAR) play an important role in the development of the
maritime business. In particular, the rescue for marine wrecked ships is one of the current …
maritime business. In particular, the rescue for marine wrecked ships is one of the current …
Optimizing Search Plans for Teams of Mobile and Stationary Searchers with a New Class of Searchers over a Multi-Zoned Domain and Finite Time
JK Grewe - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation introduces a new search theory methodology, nicknamed Pathfinder, that
can optimize teams of heterogeneous mobile and stationary searchers as well as searchers …
can optimize teams of heterogeneous mobile and stationary searchers as well as searchers …
Getting a Clue: Does Instruction Improve Search Performance Outside of the Laboratory?
RA Penn - 2020 - search.proquest.com
There is a dearth of studies on applied visual search tasks outside of the laboratory
environment. This is particularly true for search tasks involving open terrain searches such …
environment. This is particularly true for search tasks involving open terrain searches such …