Two-dimensional field-effect transistor sensors: the road toward commercialization

C Dai, Y Liu, D Wei - Chemical Reviews, 2022 - ACS Publications
The evolutionary success in information technology has been sustained by the rapid growth
of sensor technology. Recently, advances in sensor technology have promoted the …

Information-based control of robots in search-and-rescue missions with human prior knowledge

R Krzysiak, S Butail - IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine …, 2021 -
Multirobot systems provide a scalable and robust solution for monitoring tasks. In time-
intensive missions such as search and rescue, the inclusion of a human has the potential …

The importance of search strategy for finding targets in open terrain

CA Riggs, K Cornes, HJ Godwin, SP Liversedge… - … research: principles and …, 2017 - Springer
A number of real-world search tasks (ie police search, detection of improvised explosive
devices (IEDs)) require searchers to search exhaustively across open ground. In the present …

[PDF][PDF] Deriving objective probability of detection for missing-person search: Validating use of effective sweep width and associated mathematical models

KB Chiacchia, HE Houlahan - Journal of Search & Rescue …, 2023 -
Effective sweep width (W) promises objective probability of detection (POD) values for
guiding missingperson search efforts. However, methods for measuring W produce large …

[PDF][PDF] Factors that Affect the Success of Search and Rescue Missions: Perceptions of Search and Rescue Crews of Malaysian Police Air Wing

M Harridon, AS Shukri - International Journal of Scientific and …, 2020 -
The Malaysian Police Air Wing has a Search and Rescue Unit that actuates Search and
Rescue using aircraft and aviation related equipment. The personnel involved are trained …

[PDF][PDF] Object recognition and detection: Potential implications from vision science for wilderness searching

S McClanahan - J Search Rescue, 2021 -
Field searching relies heavily on human vision and the ability to recognize objects that are
out of place in their environment. Searchers seek to continually improve their ability to detect …

[PDF][PDF] A Pragmatic Approach to Applied Search Theory

G Mansfield, J Carlson, D Merrifield… - Journal of Search & …, 2020 -
Abstract The Washington State SAR Planning Unit (SSPU) was activated in 2018 to provide
advanced search planning resources to regional incident commands during extended or …

Rescue Decision Support for Marine Wrecked Ships Based on Multi-agent Modeling and Simulation

L Yang, H Liu, YB Xue, YL Tian, X Li - International Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - Springer
Maritime search and rescue (MSAR) play an important role in the development of the
maritime business. In particular, the rescue for marine wrecked ships is one of the current …

Optimizing Search Plans for Teams of Mobile and Stationary Searchers with a New Class of Searchers over a Multi-Zoned Domain and Finite Time

JK Grewe - 2022 -
This dissertation introduces a new search theory methodology, nicknamed Pathfinder, that
can optimize teams of heterogeneous mobile and stationary searchers as well as searchers …

Getting a Clue: Does Instruction Improve Search Performance Outside of the Laboratory?

RA Penn - 2020 -
There is a dearth of studies on applied visual search tasks outside of the laboratory
environment. This is particularly true for search tasks involving open terrain searches such …