Begomovirus research in India: a critical appraisal and the way ahead
Begomoviruses are a large group of whitefly-transmitted plant viruses containing single-
stranded circular DNA encapsidated in geminate particles. They are responsible for …
stranded circular DNA encapsidated in geminate particles. They are responsible for …
Significant plant virus diseases in India and a glimpse of modern disease management technology
N Rishi - Journal of general plant pathology, 2009 - Springer
India has a diverse agroclimate representing tropical, subtropical and temperate climates
with zones ranging from average to high in temperature, humidity and rainfall; from low to …
with zones ranging from average to high in temperature, humidity and rainfall; from low to …
Begomoviruses and their satellites occurring in India: distribution, diversity and pathogenesis
The begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) constitute the largest group
of plant viruses causing devastating crop diseases in India. About 16% geminiviruses …
of plant viruses causing devastating crop diseases in India. About 16% geminiviruses …
[PDF][PDF] Research on jute (Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis) and kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus and H. sabdariffa): present status and future perspective
About 5 million people get employment in raw jute (jute and kenaf) farming, trading and
industry though the crop occupies only 0.55% of the gross cropped area of the country. The …
industry though the crop occupies only 0.55% of the gross cropped area of the country. The …
Distribution, epidemiology and molecular variability of the begomovirus complexes associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta in India
Yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta (Hibiscus spp.) poses a serious threat to the cultivation
of this crop in India. The disease was found to be associated with two different whitefly …
of this crop in India. The disease was found to be associated with two different whitefly …
[PDF][PDF] Improvement of the physical and oxidative stability characteristics of ice cream through interesterified Moringa oleifera oil
This study aimed to investigate the effect of high melting point interesterified M. oleifera oil
(35.6oC) with substantial amount of unsaturated fatty acids on physicochemical and …
(35.6oC) with substantial amount of unsaturated fatty acids on physicochemical and …
A new monopartite begomovirus isolated from Hibiscus cannabinus L. in India
A Chatterjee, SK Ghosh - Archives of virology, 2007 - Springer
Yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta is whitefly-transmitted and found in endemic form in
different parts of India, causing great economic losses. Full-length DNA-A of a begomovirus …
different parts of India, causing great economic losses. Full-length DNA-A of a begomovirus …
Sequence variability and phylogenetic relationship of betasatellite isolates associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta in India
Six betasatellite isolates associated with the yellow vein mosaic disease in mesta crops
grown under three different geographical locations of India have been characterized. These …
grown under three different geographical locations of India have been characterized. These …
Detection of Mesta yellow vein mosaic virus (MeYVMV) in field samples by a loop-mediated isothermal amplification reaction
PN Meena, LL Kharbikar, RS Rana, S Satpathy… - Journal of Virological …, 2019 - Elsevier
A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was optimized for the detection of
Mesta yellow vein mosaic virus (MeYVMV) in diseased plants of mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa …
Mesta yellow vein mosaic virus (MeYVMV) in diseased plants of mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa …
Occurrence and variability of begomoviruses associated with bhendi yellow vein mosaic and okra enation leaf curl diseases in south-western India
Bhendi yellow vein mosaic disease (BYVMD) and Okra enation leaf curl disease (OELCuD)
are common diseases of okra/bhendi [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] affecting both …
are common diseases of okra/bhendi [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] affecting both …