Colloquium: Quantum anomalous Hall effect
The quantum Hall (QH) effect, quantized Hall resistance combined with zero longitudinal
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
Van der Waals heterostructures for spintronics and opto-spintronics
The large variety of 2D materials and their co-integration in van der Waals heterostructures
enable innovative device engineering. In addition, their atomically thin nature promotes the …
enable innovative device engineering. In addition, their atomically thin nature promotes the …
Opportunities in topological insulator devices
Topological insulators (TIs) hold promise as a platform for unique quantum phenomena.
However, realizing these phenomena experimentally requires sophisticated devices. In this …
However, realizing these phenomena experimentally requires sophisticated devices. In this …
Quantum anomalous Hall effect with a permanent magnet defines a quantum resistance standard
The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE),,,,–is a transport phenomenon where the Hall
resistance is quantized to the von Klitzing constant due to the spontaneous magnetization of …
resistance is quantized to the von Klitzing constant due to the spontaneous magnetization of …
Current-induced switching of proximity-induced ferromagnetic surface states in a topological insulator
Electrical manipulation of magnetization could be an essential function for energy-efficient
spintronics technology. A magnetic topological insulator, possessing a magnetically gapped …
spintronics technology. A magnetic topological insulator, possessing a magnetically gapped …
Magnetic topological insulator heterostructures: A review
Topological insulators (TIs) provide intriguing prospects for the future of spintronics due to
their large spin–orbit coupling and dissipationless, counter‐propagating conduction …
their large spin–orbit coupling and dissipationless, counter‐propagating conduction …
Routes to realize the axion-insulator phase in MnBi2Te4 (Bi2Te3) n family
Axion, first postulated as a hypothetical particle in high-energy physics, is now extended to
describe a novel topological magnetoelectric effect derived from the Chern–Simons theory …
describe a novel topological magnetoelectric effect derived from the Chern–Simons theory …
Recent progress in proximity coupling of magnetism to topological insulators
Inducing long‐range magnetic order in 3D topological insulators can gap the Dirac‐like
metallic surface states, leading to exotic new phases such as the quantum anomalous Hall …
metallic surface states, leading to exotic new phases such as the quantum anomalous Hall …
Recent innovations in 2D magnetic materials and their potential applications in the modern era
In recent years, enormous efforts have been made to identify and manipulate the exotic
electrical and magnetic properties at a two-dimensional (2D) limit of various exciting …
electrical and magnetic properties at a two-dimensional (2D) limit of various exciting …
Distinguishing surface and bulk electromagnetism via their dynamics in an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator
The indirect exchange interaction between local magnetic moments via surface electrons
has been long predicted to bolster the surface ferromagnetism in magnetic topological …
has been long predicted to bolster the surface ferromagnetism in magnetic topological …