Opportunities and challenges in the development of exoskeletons for locomotor assistance
Exoskeletons can augment the performance of unimpaired users and restore movement in
individuals with gait impairments. Knowledge of how users interact with wearable devices …
individuals with gait impairments. Knowledge of how users interact with wearable devices …
Personalizing exoskeleton assistance while walking in the real world
Personalized exoskeleton assistance provides users with the largest improvements in
walking speed and energy economy,–but requires lengthy tests under unnatural laboratory …
walking speed and energy economy,–but requires lengthy tests under unnatural laboratory …
User preference optimization for control of ankle exoskeletons using sample efficient active learning
One challenge to achieving widespread success of augmentative exoskeletons is accurately
adjusting the controller to provide cooperative assistance with their wearer. Often, the …
adjusting the controller to provide cooperative assistance with their wearer. Often, the …
A fuzzy convolutional attention-based GRU network for human activity recognition
Human activity recognition has become a pillar of today intelligent Human–Computer
Interfaces as it typically provides more comfortable and ubiquitous interaction. This paper …
Interfaces as it typically provides more comfortable and ubiquitous interaction. This paper …
Estimating human joint moments unifies exoskeleton control, reducing user effort
Robotic lower-limb exoskeletons can augment human mobility, but current systems require
extensive, context-specific considerations, limiting their real-world viability. Here, we present …
extensive, context-specific considerations, limiting their real-world viability. Here, we present …
Task-agnostic exoskeleton control via biological joint moment estimation
Lower-limb exoskeletons have the potential to transform the way we move,,,,,,,,,,,,–, but
current state-of-the-art controllers cannot accommodate the rich set of possible human …
current state-of-the-art controllers cannot accommodate the rich set of possible human …
Effects of a soft robotic exosuit on the quality and speed of overground walking depends on walking ability after stroke
Background Soft robotic exosuits can provide partial dorsiflexor and plantarflexor support in
parallel with paretic muscles to improve poststroke walking capacity. Previous results …
parallel with paretic muscles to improve poststroke walking capacity. Previous results …
Real-time gait phase and task estimation for controlling a powered ankle exoskeleton on extremely uneven terrain
Positive biomechanical outcomes have been reported with lower limb exoskeletons in
laboratory settings, but these devices have difficulty delivering appropriate assistance in …
laboratory settings, but these devices have difficulty delivering appropriate assistance in …
AI-driven universal lower-limb exoskeleton system for community ambulation
Exoskeletons offer promising solutions for improving human mobility, but a key challenge is
ensuring the controller adapts to changing walking conditions. We present an artificial …
ensuring the controller adapts to changing walking conditions. We present an artificial …
Experiment-free exoskeleton assistance via learning in simulation
Exoskeletons have enormous potential to improve human locomotive performance,–.
However, their development and broad dissemination are limited by the requirement for …
However, their development and broad dissemination are limited by the requirement for …