Brood parasites are a heterogeneous and functionally distinct class of natural enemies
Brood parasitism is the introduction of unrelated progeny into the nest or colony of a host
that then raises the foreign young. This reproductive strategy has evolved independently …
that then raises the foreign young. This reproductive strategy has evolved independently …
From micro-to macroevolution: brood parasitism as a driver of phenotypic diversity in birds
A fundamental question in biology is how diversity evolves and why some clades are more
diverse than others. Phenotypic diversity has often been shown to result from morphological …
diverse than others. Phenotypic diversity has often been shown to result from morphological …
Evolution of female coloration: what have we learned from birds in general and blue tits in particular
Female ornaments have long been considered non-functional, but a paradigm shift has
occurred over the 2 last decades. The adaptive nature of female ornaments is now widely …
occurred over the 2 last decades. The adaptive nature of female ornaments is now widely …
The effect of avian brood parasitism on physiological responses of host nestlings
Avian obligate brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species that may provide
care for the foreign offspring. Brood parasitism often imparts substantial fitness losses upon …
care for the foreign offspring. Brood parasitism often imparts substantial fitness losses upon …
Automated radio tracking provides evidence for social pair bonds in an obligate brood parasite
Social monogamy predominates in avian mating systems, but this strategy seems unlikely
among brood parasites, where the emancipation from parental care should lead to an …
among brood parasites, where the emancipation from parental care should lead to an …
Ontogenetic effects of brood parasitism by the brown‐headed cowbird on host offspring
Nest‐sharer avian brood parasites do not evict or otherwise kill host chicks, but instead inflict
a range of negative effects on their nestmates that are mediated by interactions between the …
a range of negative effects on their nestmates that are mediated by interactions between the …
Polymorphism at the nestling stage and host‐specific mimicry in an Australasian cuckoo‐host arms race
Decades of research have shown that the coevolutionary arms race between avian brood
parasites and their hosts can promote phenotypic diversification in hosts and brood …
parasites and their hosts can promote phenotypic diversification in hosts and brood …
Host community-wide patterns of post-fledging behavior and survival of obligate brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds
The antagonistic arms races between obligate brood parasites and their hosts provide
critical insights into coevolutionary processes and constraints on the evolution of life history …
critical insights into coevolutionary processes and constraints on the evolution of life history …
Female signal jamming in a socially monogamous brood parasite
Acoustic signalling is vital to courtship in many animals, yet the role of female vocalizations
is understudied. Here, we combine observational and experimental methods to assess the …
is understudied. Here, we combine observational and experimental methods to assess the …
Cognition and reproductive success in cowbirds
Understanding the relationships between cognitive abilities and fitness is integral to an
evolutionary study of brain and behavior. However, these relationships are often difficult to …
evolutionary study of brain and behavior. However, these relationships are often difficult to …