Sardinian dietary analysis for longevity: A review of the literature
C Wang, MA Murgia, J Baptista, MF Marcone - Journal of Ethnic Foods, 2022 - Springer
Sardinia is one of the five Longevity Blue Zones (LBZs) in the world. Compared to other
LBZs, the percentage of male centenarians in Sardinia is much higher. Due to the island's …
LBZs, the percentage of male centenarians in Sardinia is much higher. Due to the island's …
A review of the nutritional potential of edible snails: A sustainable underutilized food resource
M Baghele, S Mishra, VB Meyer-Rochow, C Jung… - 2023 - nopr.niscpr.res.in
Despite the use of snails as food in many different communities in the world, the
consumption of snail meat is still far from being appreciated. The authors compiled and …
consumption of snail meat is still far from being appreciated. The authors compiled and …
Mineral and proximate composition of the meat and shell of three snail species
Meat is a vital source of nutrients for human wellbeing and health; however, recent studies
suggest a decline in meat preference as a protein source due to some health problems …
suggest a decline in meat preference as a protein source due to some health problems …
[HTML][HTML] Nutritional Composition, Fatty Acids Profile, Mineral Content, Antioxidant Activity and Acute Toxicity of the Flesh of Helix aspersa Müller
Humans consume snail flesh as part of their diet. To assess its nutritional value and toxicity,
chemical analyses were conducted to confirm the presence of protein, total and reduced …
chemical analyses were conducted to confirm the presence of protein, total and reduced …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of Different Levels of Calcium and Addition of Magnesium in the Diet on Garden Snails' (Cornu aspersum) Condition, Production, and Nutritional …
Edible snails are an attractive protein source due to their high growth rate, cost-efficiency,
and nutritional value. Calcium is crucial for snail growth, reproduction, and shell formation …
and nutritional value. Calcium is crucial for snail growth, reproduction, and shell formation …
Processing and utilization of snail meat in alleviating protein malnutrition in Africa: a review
Purpose This study aims to review processing and utilization of snail meat in alleviating
protein malnutrition in Africa. Most countries in Africa are faced with a major challenge of …
protein malnutrition in Africa. Most countries in Africa are faced with a major challenge of …
Toxic and potentially toxic mineral elements of edible gastropods land snails (mediterranean escargot)
The meat of snails can be considered a high-quality food for the human diet and demand is
already increasing across Europe. Due to the bioaccumulation of trace elements in their …
already increasing across Europe. Due to the bioaccumulation of trace elements in their …
Chemical composition, mineral profile, anti-bacterial, and wound healing properties of snail slime of Helix aspersa Müller
Mucus is a substance made by snails that serves a variety of purposes and is increasingly
employed in the medical and cosmetic industries. It includes bioactive compounds with a …
employed in the medical and cosmetic industries. It includes bioactive compounds with a …
[PDF][PDF] Snail farming: an Indian perspective of a potential tool for food security
Wise utilization of known food resources could be one major tool to keep parity with the
increasing population and nutriment demand. In many parts of India not unlike many other …
increasing population and nutriment demand. In many parts of India not unlike many other …
Indigenous food ingredients for complementary food formulations to combat infant malnutrition in Benin: A review
This paper reviews indigenous Beninese food resources as potential ingredients for
complementary infant foods with the aim to develop affordable formulations for low‐income …
complementary infant foods with the aim to develop affordable formulations for low‐income …