[HTML][HTML] Deaths of despair: a sco** review on the social determinants of drug overdose, alcohol-related liver disease and suicide
Background: There is a lack of consensus on the social determinants of Deaths of Despair
(DoD), ie, an increase in mortality attributed to drug overdose, alcohol-related liver disease …
(DoD), ie, an increase in mortality attributed to drug overdose, alcohol-related liver disease …
The social determinants of mental health and disorder: evidence, prevention and recommendations
People exposed to more unfavourable social circumstances are more vulnerable to poor
mental health over their life course, in ways that are often determined by structural factors …
mental health over their life course, in ways that are often determined by structural factors …
Predictors of mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic in the US: Role of economic concerns, health worries and social distancing
Despite the profound health and economic implications of Covid-19, there is only limited
knowledge to date about the role of economic concerns, health worries and social …
knowledge to date about the role of economic concerns, health worries and social …
Estimating the reference incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for the Australian health system
Background Spending on new healthcare technologies increases net population health
when the benefits of a new technology are greater than their opportunity costs—the benefits …
when the benefits of a new technology are greater than their opportunity costs—the benefits …
Eating to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and body weight change in young adults
Background: Life disruptions caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are
particularly salient for young adults. Some young adults may engage in unhealthy eating …
particularly salient for young adults. Some young adults may engage in unhealthy eating …
Child language difficulties and internalizing and externalizing symptoms: A meta‐analysis
This study conducted two meta‐analyses to synthesize the association between children's
language skills and two broad‐band dimensions of psychopathology: internalizing and …
language skills and two broad‐band dimensions of psychopathology: internalizing and …
[HTML][HTML] Economic insecurity: A socioeconomic determinant of mental health
D Kopasker, C Montagna, KA Bender - SSM-Population Health, 2018 - Elsevier
Economic insecurity is an emerging topic that is increasingly relevant to the labour markets
of developed economies. This paper uses data from the British Household Panel Survey to …
of developed economies. This paper uses data from the British Household Panel Survey to …
Associations of income volatility with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in a US cohort: 1990 to 2015
Background: Income volatility is on the rise and presents a growing public health problem.
Because in many epidemiological studies income is measured at a single point in time, the …
Because in many epidemiological studies income is measured at a single point in time, the …
The contribution of individual, social and work characteristics to employee mental health in a coal mining industry population
Background Evidence regarding the extent of mental health problems and the associated
characteristics within an employee population is necessary to inform appropriate and …
characteristics within an employee population is necessary to inform appropriate and …
ICT adoption, individual income and psychological health of rural farmers in China
Z Zhu, W Ma, C Leng - Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2022 - Springer
This paper examines the joint effects of the adoption of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) and individual income on farmers' psychological health, measured by …
technologies (ICTs) and individual income on farmers' psychological health, measured by …