Discovery and prediction capabilities in metal-based nanomaterials: An overview of the application of machine learning techniques and some recent advances
The application of machine learning (ML) techniques to metal-based nanomaterials has
contributed greatly to understanding the interaction of nanoparticles, properties prediction …
contributed greatly to understanding the interaction of nanoparticles, properties prediction …
Decagonal solid core PCF based refractive index sensor for blood cells detection in terahertz regime
The fast and accurate detection of the blood components is very necessary before initiating
the treatment of patients. In this article, a decagonal Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (SC …
the treatment of patients. In this article, a decagonal Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (SC …
[HTML][HTML] Brain tumors biomedical sensor with high-quality factor and ultra-compact size based on nanocavity 2D photonic crystal
Abstract Types of brain lesions, tumors, and cancers are still considered deadly. They
require accurate and expensive detecting, diagnosing, and treatment methods. This work …
require accurate and expensive detecting, diagnosing, and treatment methods. This work …
Biphenyl based Schiff base derivatives of 6-aminocoumarin: Design, synthesis, mesomorphic properties and DFT studies
The study focused on synthesizing two series of coumarin Schiff base liquid crystals. These
series involved molecules with variations in alkoxy chains at aldehyde ends: one being the …
series involved molecules with variations in alkoxy chains at aldehyde ends: one being the …
Tuberculosis biomedical sensor based on on-chip nanocavity 2D photonic crystal with high sensitivity and quality factor
Tuberculosis (TB) stands as one of the most severe and fatal communicable diseases in the
universe, in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO). Before the COVID-19 …
universe, in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO). Before the COVID-19 …
Highly sensitive photonic crystal fiber gas sensor
A novel design of circular photonic crystal fiber (C-PCF) gas sensor is presented and
analyzed by full vectorial finite element method. The suggested structure has a spiral porous …
analyzed by full vectorial finite element method. The suggested structure has a spiral porous …
Highly sensitive multi-functional plasmonic biosensor based on dual core photonic crystal fiber
In this paper, highly efficient multi-functional biosensor based on surface plasmon
resonance (SPR) is proposed and analyzed. The suggested sensor has a dual core PCF …
resonance (SPR) is proposed and analyzed. The suggested sensor has a dual core PCF …
Asymmetric dual-core liquid crystal channel-based tunable mode converter
In this work, a higher order-to-fundamental mode converter is reported and analyzed based
on an asymmetric dual channel waveguide (ADC-WG) on silicon. In the reported structure …
on an asymmetric dual channel waveguide (ADC-WG) on silicon. In the reported structure …
Highly sensitive face-shaped label-free photonic crystal refractometer for glucose concentration monitoring
In this paper, a novel highly sensitive photonic crystal (PhC) refractometer for glucose
concentration monitoring is reported and studied. The proposed design is based on two …
concentration monitoring is reported and studied. The proposed design is based on two …
Modified D-shaped SPR PCF polarization filter at telecommunication wavelengths
A compact surface plasmon photonic crystal fiber (PCF) polarization filter is proposed and
analyzed at the two communication windows of 1.3 and 1.52 µm. The y-polarized mode can …
analyzed at the two communication windows of 1.3 and 1.52 µm. The y-polarized mode can …