Everything as a service (XaaS) on the cloud: origins, current and future trends
For several years now, scientists have been proposing numerous models for defining
anything" as a service (aaS)", including discussions of products, processes, data & …
anything" as a service (aaS)", including discussions of products, processes, data & …
From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities
The domains of complex event processing (CEP) and business process management (BPM)
have different origins but for many aspects draw on similar concepts. While specific …
have different origins but for many aspects draw on similar concepts. While specific …
Knowledge-intensive processes: characteristics, requirements and analysis of contemporary approaches
Engineering of knowledge-intensive processes (KiPs) is far from being mastered, since they
are genuinely knowledge-and data-centric, and require substantial flexibility, at both design …
are genuinely knowledge-and data-centric, and require substantial flexibility, at both design …
Declarative workflows: Balancing between flexibility and support
WMP van Der Aalst, M Pesic… - … Science-Research and …, 2009 - Springer
Today's process-aware information systems tend to either support business processes or
provide flexibility. Classical workflow management systems offer good process support as …
provide flexibility. Classical workflow management systems offer good process support as …
Agile business process development: why, how and when—applying Nonaka's theory of knowledge transformation to business process development
The traditional way of business process development is via creating a detailed model of a
business process in question, acquiring an IT-system to support it, and then implementing it …
business process in question, acquiring an IT-system to support it, and then implementing it …
On the declarative paradigm in hybrid business process representations: a conceptual framework and a systematic literature study
Process modeling plays a central role in the development of today's process-aware
information systems both on the management level (eg, providing input for requirements …
information systems both on the management level (eg, providing input for requirements …
Declarative business process modelling: principles and modelling languages
The business process literature has proposed a multitude of business process modelling
approaches or paradigms, each in response to a different business process type with a …
approaches or paradigms, each in response to a different business process type with a …
Declarative and hybrid process discovery: Recent advances and open challenges
T Slaats - Journal on Data Semantics, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge-intensive processes, such as those encountered in health care, finance
and government, tend to allow a large degree of flexibility: there are many possible solutions …
and government, tend to allow a large degree of flexibility: there are many possible solutions …
Declarative software application meta-model and system for self-modification
DM Duggal, WJ Malyk - US Patent 9,075,616, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A Solution providing for the dynamic design, use, and modi fication of
models using a declarative software application meta-model that provides for self …
models using a declarative software application meta-model that provides for self …
Static and dynamic techniques for iterative test-driven modelling of dynamic condition response graphs
Test-driven declarative process modelling combines process models with test traces and
has been introduced as a means to achieve both the flexibility provided by the declarative …
has been introduced as a means to achieve both the flexibility provided by the declarative …