Device-independent lower bounds on the conditional von Neumann entropy

P Brown, H Fawzi, O Fawzi - Quantum, 2024 -
The rates of several device-independent (DI) protocols, including quantum key-distribution
(QKD) and randomness expansion (RE), can be computed via an optimization of the …

Tight Upper Bound for the Maximal Expectation Value of the NN‐Partite Generalized Svetlichny Operator

Y **ao, Z Wang, WN Zhao, M Li - Advanced Quantum …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Genuine multipartite non‐locality is not only of fundamental interest but also serves as an
important resource for quantum information theory. The NN‐partite scenario and provide an …

Characterizing the set of quantum correlations in prepare-and-measure quantum multichain-shaped networks

Y Jia, F Guo, Y Wang, H Dong, F Gao - Physical Review A, 2025 - APS
We introduce a hierarchy of tests satisfied by any probability distribution P that represents
the quantum correlations generated in prepare-and-measure (P&M) quantum multichain …

Expanding bipartite Bell inequalities for maximum multi-partite randomness

L Wooltorton, P Brown, R Colbeck - arxiv preprint arxiv:2308.07030, 2023 -
Nonlocal tests on multipartite quantum correlations form the basis of protocols that certify
randomness in a device-independent (DI) way. Such correlations admit a rich structure …

An elegant scheme of self-testing for multipartite Bell inequalities

E Panwar, P Pandya, M Wieśniak - npj Quantum Information, 2023 -
Self-testing is the most accurate form of certification of quantum devices. While self-testing in
bipartite Bell scenarios has been thoroughly studied, self-testing in the more complex …

Experimental randomness certification in a quantum network with independent sources

G Minati, G Rodari, E Polino, F Andreoli… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2025 -
Randomness certification is a foundational and practical aspect of quantum information
science, essential for securing quantum communication protocols. Traditionally, these …

Experimental quantum randomness enhanced by a quantum network

E Polino, L Villegas-Aguilar, D Poderini, N Walk… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
The certification of randomness is essential for both fundamental science and information
technologies. Unlike traditional random number generators, randomness obtained from …

Quantum Coherence: A Fundamental Resource for Establishing Genuine Multipartite Correlations

Z Wang, Z Guo, Z Chen, M Li, Z Zhou, C Zhang… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
We establish the profound equivalence between measures of genuine multipartite
entanglement (GME) and their corresponding coherence measures. Initially we construct …

[PDF][PDF] Characterizing quantum systems based on non-classical correlations

Quantum systems exhibit non-classical correlations that go beyond the capabilities of classi-
cal physics, making these correlations a central focus of research in quantum information …

[HTML][HTML] Multipartite cryptographic protocols for quantum networks

G Carrara - 2023 -
Beschreibungen: Unter den vielen Anwendungen von Quanteninformationsprozessen
gehört die Quantenschlüsselverteilung (Quantum Key Distribution, kurz QKD) sowohl aus …