Distribution of traffic speed in different traffic conditions: An empirical study in Budapest

MM Zefreh, A Török - Transport, 2020 - jau.vgtu.lt
Fundamental diagram, a graphical representation of the relationship among traffic flow,
speed, and density, has been the foundation of traffic flow theory and transportation …

Single loop detector data validation and imputation of missing data

MM Zefreh, A Torok - Measurement, 2018 - Elsevier
The data derived from loop detectors are of great importance in terms of traffic monitoring
and analysis. These data may contain many holes or incorrect values due to equipment …

Statistical analysis of the effects of disruptive factors of driving in simulated environment

G Pauer, T Sipos, Á Török - Transport, 2019 - journals.vilniustech.lt
Distracting activities (such as using mobile phones, writing text messages) become
increasingly common with the widespread use of telecommunication devices, becoming an …

[HTML][HTML] Algorithm for reducing truck noise on via Baltica transport corridors in Lithuania

K Čižiūnienė, J Matijošius, A Čereška, A Petraška - Energies, 2020 - mdpi.com
The section of Via Baltica going through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania is the most
traffic intensive land logistics corridor in the country. The annual transportation volume has …

Spatial econometric cross-border traffic analysis for passenger cars–Hungarian experience

T Sipos, Z Szabó, Á Török - Promet-Traffic&Transportation, 2021 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The role of cross-border commuting needs is remarkable, given that large cross-
border cities tend to have high traffic attractiveness. Thus, agglomeration effects are strongly …

A congestion detection based traffic control for signalized intersection

I Varga - Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2018 - pp.bme.hu
The paper investigates a traffic-responsive control method applicable at isolated signalized
intersections. The proposed strategy involves three basic parts: a traffic model, a …

Comparative study of the joining technologies of vehicle bodywork sheets

Z Weltsch - IOP Conference Series: Materials science and …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
In the automotive industry lighter vehicles are needed with more fuel-efficient engines, due
to reduced fleet consumption. Many development deals with new materials, but steel will …

Analysis of Impact of Distribution Tool Railway Transport on The Economic Growth of Azerbaijan

N Akbulaev, G Bayramli - Journal of Distribution Science, 2022 - koreascience.kr
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the theory of railway transport in Azerbaijan.
And also to determine the economic importance of this mode of transport and analyze its …

Experimental assessment of traffic density estimation at link and network level with sparse data

A Takayasu, L Leclercq… - … B: Transport Dynamics, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the accuracy of mean density estimation from direct sensing at link
and network levels. Different calculation methods are compared depending on sensor type …

Regional traffic and trip characteristics simulation and applications for MFD models calibration

A Takayasu - 2022 - theses.hal.science
This thesis investigates how the setting of large-scale dynamic models based on the
macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) influences prediction accuracy. It mainly focuses …