Rheology of adsorbed surfactant monolayers at fluid surfaces

D Langevin - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2014 - annualreviews.org
When surfactants adsorb at liquid surfaces, they not only decrease the surface tension, they
also confer rheological properties to the surfaces. The most common rheological parameters …

Withdrawing a solid from a bath: How much liquid is coated?

E Rio, F Boulogne - Advances in colloid and interface science, 2017 - Elsevier
A solid withdrawn from a liquid bath entrains a film. In this review, after recalling the
predictions and results for pure Newtonian liquids coated on simple solids, we analyze the …

Surfactant dynamics: hidden variables controlling fluid flows

H Manikantan, TM Squires - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2020 - cambridge.org
Surfactants–molecules and particles that preferentially adsorb to fluid interfaces–play a
ubiquitous role in the fluids of industry, of nature and of life. Since most surfactants cannot be …

[CARTE][B] Emulsions, microemulsions and foams

D Langevin - 2020 - Springer
Emulsions, microemulsions, and foams are dispersions of two immiscible fiuids stabilized by
surface-active species. Emulsions and microemulsions are dispersions usually made with …

Liquid meniscus friction on a wet plate: Bubbles, lamellae, and foams

I Cantat - Physics of Fluids, 2013 - pubs.aip.org
Many microfluidics devices, coating processes, or diphasic flows involve the motion of a
liquid meniscus on a wet wall. This motion induces a specific viscous force, that exhibits a …

Dip-coating of suspensions

A Gans, E Dressaire, B Colnet, G Saingier, MZ Bazant… - Soft matter, 2019 - pubs.rsc.org
Withdrawing a plate from a suspension leads to the entrainment of a coating layer of fluid
and particles on the solid surface. In this article, we study the Landau–Levich problem in the …

[HTML][HTML] Advances in antibubble formation and potential applications

R Zia, A Nazir, AT Poortinga, CF van Nostrum - Advances in Colloid and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Antibubbles are unusual physical objects consisting of a liquid core (s) surrounded by a thin
air film/shell while in a bulk liquid. Antibubbles carry two air-liquid interfaces, ie, one with the …

Controlling disorder in self-assembled colloidal monolayers via evaporative processes

L Roach, A Hereu, P Lalanne, E Duguet… - Nanoscale, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Monolayers of assembled nano-objects with a controlled degree of disorder hold interest in
many optical applications, including photovoltaics, light emission, sensing, and structural …

An adventure into the world of soft matter

D Langevin - Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Soft matter is a field of condensed matter physics that began to develop in France in the
1970s under the impulse of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. I had the chance to participate in this …

Dip coating of bidisperse particulate suspensions

DH Jeong, MKH Lee, V Thiévenaz… - Journal of Fluid …, 2022 - cambridge.org
Dip coating consists of withdrawing a substrate from a bath to coat it with a thin liquid layer.
This process is well understood for homogeneous fluids, but heterogeneities, such as …