Fundamental processes in Si/Si and Ge/Si epitaxy studied by scanning tunneling microscopy during growth

B Voigtländer - Surface Science Reports, 2001‏ - Elsevier
Experimental results on the epitaxy of Si and Ge on Si (001) and Si (111) surfaces, which
are obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging during growth, are reviewed …

Growth and self-organization of SiGe nanostructures

JN Aqua, I Berbezier, L Favre, T Frisch, A Ronda - Physics Reports, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Many recent advances in microelectronics would not have been possible without the
development of strain induced nanodevices and bandgap engineering, in particular …

Mechanisms of stranski-krastanov growth

A Baskaran, P Smereka - Journal of Applied Physics, 2012‏ -
Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth is reported experimentally as the growth mode that is
responsible for the transition to three dimensional islands in heteroepitaxial growth. A kinetic …

Atmospheric particles from organic vapours

CD O'Dowd, P Aalto, K Hmeri, M Kulmala, T Hoffmann - Nature, 2002‏ -
Aerosol particles produced over forested areas may affect climate by acting as nuclei for
cloud condensation, but their composition (and hence the chemical species that drive their …

Transition states between pyramids and domes during Ge/Si island growth

FM Ross, RM Tromp, MC Reuter - Science, 1999‏ -
Real-time observations were made of the shape change from pyramids to domes during the
growth of germanium-silicon islands on silicon (001). Small islands are pyramidal in shape …

Nanostructured surfaces: challenges and frontiers in nanotechnology

F Rosei - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2004‏ -
Nanostructured surfaces can be broadly defined as substrates in which the typical features
have dimensions in the range 1–100 nm (although the upper limit of 100 nm may be relaxed …

[ספר][B] Silicon Heterostructure Handbook: Materials, Fabrication, Devices, Circuits and Applications of SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy

JD Cressler, S Monfray, G Freeman, D Friedman… - 2018‏ -
An extraordinary combination of material science, manufacturing processes, and innovative
thinking spurred the development of SiGe heterojunction devices that offer a wide array of …

Pathway for the strain-driven two-dimensional to three-dimensional transition during growth of Ge on Si (001)

A Vailionis, B Cho, G Glass, P Desjardins, DG Cahill… - Physical review …, 2000‏ - APS
Abstract The two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) morphological transition in
strained Ge layers grown on Si (001) is investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy …

[PDF][PDF] Кремний-германиевые наноструктуры с квантовыми точками: механизмы образования и электрические свойства

ОП Пчеляков, ЮБ Болховитянов… - Физика и техника …, 2000‏ -
На основе анализа публикаций последних лет для системы Ge-на-Si приводятся
устоявшиеся представления о механизмах образования германиевых островков …

Barrierless formation and faceting of SiGe islands on Si (001)

J Tersoff, BJ Spencer, A Rastelli, H Von Känel - Physical review letters, 2002‏ - APS
The initial stages of the formation of SiGe islands on Si (001) pose a long-standing puzzle.
We show that the behavior can be consistently explained by one simple assumption—that …