Fundamental processes in Si/Si and Ge/Si epitaxy studied by scanning tunneling microscopy during growth
Experimental results on the epitaxy of Si and Ge on Si (001) and Si (111) surfaces, which
are obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging during growth, are reviewed …
are obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging during growth, are reviewed …
Growth and self-organization of SiGe nanostructures
Many recent advances in microelectronics would not have been possible without the
development of strain induced nanodevices and bandgap engineering, in particular …
development of strain induced nanodevices and bandgap engineering, in particular …
Mechanisms of stranski-krastanov growth
Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth is reported experimentally as the growth mode that is
responsible for the transition to three dimensional islands in heteroepitaxial growth. A kinetic …
responsible for the transition to three dimensional islands in heteroepitaxial growth. A kinetic …
Atmospheric particles from organic vapours
Aerosol particles produced over forested areas may affect climate by acting as nuclei for
cloud condensation, but their composition (and hence the chemical species that drive their …
cloud condensation, but their composition (and hence the chemical species that drive their …
Transition states between pyramids and domes during Ge/Si island growth
Real-time observations were made of the shape change from pyramids to domes during the
growth of germanium-silicon islands on silicon (001). Small islands are pyramidal in shape …
growth of germanium-silicon islands on silicon (001). Small islands are pyramidal in shape …
Nanostructured surfaces: challenges and frontiers in nanotechnology
Nanostructured surfaces can be broadly defined as substrates in which the typical features
have dimensions in the range 1–100 nm (although the upper limit of 100 nm may be relaxed …
have dimensions in the range 1–100 nm (although the upper limit of 100 nm may be relaxed …
[ספר][B] Silicon Heterostructure Handbook: Materials, Fabrication, Devices, Circuits and Applications of SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy
JD Cressler, S Monfray, G Freeman, D Friedman… - 2018 -
An extraordinary combination of material science, manufacturing processes, and innovative
thinking spurred the development of SiGe heterojunction devices that offer a wide array of …
thinking spurred the development of SiGe heterojunction devices that offer a wide array of …
Pathway for the strain-driven two-dimensional to three-dimensional transition during growth of Ge on Si (001)
Abstract The two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) morphological transition in
strained Ge layers grown on Si (001) is investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy …
strained Ge layers grown on Si (001) is investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy …
[PDF][PDF] Кремний-германиевые наноструктуры с квантовыми точками: механизмы образования и электрические свойства
ОП Пчеляков, ЮБ Болховитянов… - Физика и техника …, 2000 -
На основе анализа публикаций последних лет для системы Ge-на-Si приводятся
устоявшиеся представления о механизмах образования германиевых островков …
устоявшиеся представления о механизмах образования германиевых островков …
Barrierless formation and faceting of SiGe islands on Si (001)
The initial stages of the formation of SiGe islands on Si (001) pose a long-standing puzzle.
We show that the behavior can be consistently explained by one simple assumption—that …
We show that the behavior can be consistently explained by one simple assumption—that …