[HTML][HTML] Characterization of land-cover changes and forest-cover dynamics in Togo between 1985 and 2020 from Landsat images using Google Earth Engine

A Kombate, F Folega, W Atakpama, M Dourma, K Wala… - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
Carbon stocks in forest ecosystems, when released as a result of forest degradation,
contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To quantify and assess the rates of these …

[HTML][HTML] Correlation analysis of evapotranspiration, emissivity contrast and water deficit indices: A case study in four eddy covariance sites in italy with different …

M Torresani, G Masiello, N Vendrame, G Gerosa… - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
Evapotranspiration (ET) represents one of the essential processes controlling the exchange
of energy by terrestrial vegetation, providing a strong connection between energy and water …

[HTML][HTML] The iasi water deficit index to monitor vegetation stress and early drying in summer heatwaves: An application to southern italy

G Masiello, F Ripullone, I De Feis, A Rita, L Saulino… - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
The boreal hemisphere has been experiencing increasing extreme hot and dry conditions
over the past few decades, consistent with anthropogenic climate change. The continental …

Innovative remote-sensed thermodynamical indices to identify vegetation stress and surface dryness: application to southern Italy over the last decade

P Pasquariello, G Masiello, C Serio… - Remote Sensing of …, 2023 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Surface and vegetation monitoring is a key activity in analyzing and understanding how
climate change is impacting natural resources. Moreover, identifying vegetation stress using …

Exploiting the IASI profiling capability for surface parameters, atmospheric temperature, and water vapour to design emissivity contrast and water deficit indexes to …

C Serio, G Masiello, P Pasquariello… - Remote Sensing of …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The paper uses Level 2 IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer) products to
analyse long-standing heatwaves and related droughts. The paper is mostly interested in …

Emissivity based indices for drought and forest fire

G Masiello, C Serio, S Venafra… - … and Remote Sensing …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The present paper aims to illustrate new indices of vegetation-soil dryness based on the
surface emissivity complemented with atmospheric water vapor mixing ratio or related …

Water Deficit Indices to Monitor Forests' Response to Droughts and Heat Waves

P Pasquariello, G Masiello, C Serio… - IGARSS 2024-2024 …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Monitoring surface and vegetation conditions is crucial for analyzing the impact of climate
change on natural resources, especially in regions susceptible to extreme events like land …

Telerilevamento e monitoraggio dello stato idrico della vegetazione e del suolo mediante l'uso di sensoristica ottica ea microonde

S Pilia - 2025 - iris.unibas.it
Agriculture is one of the oldest and most important activities of humanity because it provides
the means of livelihood for several billions of people. Through the use of a series of …

[PDF][PDF] The IASI Water Deficit Index to Monitor the Vegetation Stress and the Early Drying in Summer Because of Heatwaves: an Ap-plication to Southern Italy

G Masiello, F Ripullone, I De Feis, F Ripullone, A Rita… - 2022 - researchgate.net
The boreal Hemisphere has been experiencing increasing extreme hot and dry conditions
over the past few decades, consistent with anthropogenic climate change expectations. The …

[PDF][PDF] An assessment of tropical dryland forest ecosystem biomass and climate change impacts in the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region of Southern Africa

R DAVID - 2022 - core.ac.uk
The dryland forests of the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region in Southern Africa are highly
susceptible to disturbances from an increase in human population, wildlife pressures and …