RFLP map** in plant breeding: new tools for an old science
Breeders have traditionally improved plant varieties by selecting on the basis of phenotype.
Now restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage maps are being constructed …
Now restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage maps are being constructed …
Genomics-assisted breeding for crop improvement
Genomics research is generating new tools, such as functional molecular markers and
informatics, as well as new knowledge about statistics and inheritance phenomena that …
informatics, as well as new knowledge about statistics and inheritance phenomena that …
Marker‐assisted selection in plant breeding: From publications to practice
The volume of publications on the development and to a lesser extent the application of
molecular markers in plant breeding has increased dramatically during the last decade …
molecular markers in plant breeding has increased dramatically during the last decade …
[ספר][B] Statistical genomics: linkage, map**, and QTL analysis
BH Liu - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Statistical Genomics: Linkage, Map**, and QTL Analysis Page 1 Page 2 Statistical Genomics
Linkage, Map**, and QTL Analysis CRCPress Ben Hui Liu Boca Raton London New York …
Linkage, Map**, and QTL Analysis CRCPress Ben Hui Liu Boca Raton London New York …
Role of cell wall hydrolases in fruit ripening.
RL Fischer, AB Bennett - 1991 - cabidigitallibrary.org
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Access Options Enter words / phrases / DOI / ISBN / keywords / authors / etc Search Advanced …
Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits in tomato: comparison across species, generations, and environments.
As part of ongoing studies regarding the genetic basis of quantitative variation in phenotype,
we have determined the chromosomal locations of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting fruit …
we have determined the chromosomal locations of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting fruit …
RFLP analysis of the size of chromosomal segments retained around the Tm-2 locus of tomato during backcross breeding
Genes introduced into cultivated plants by backcross breeding programs are flanked by
introgressed segments of DNA derived from the donor parent. This phenomenon is known …
introgressed segments of DNA derived from the donor parent. This phenomenon is known …
DNA markers in plant improvement
Publisher Summary Genetic markers are held for a detailed investigation of complex
questions in quantitative biology. The advent of DNA markers, greatly expanding the number …
questions in quantitative biology. The advent of DNA markers, greatly expanding the number …
DNA markers and plant breeding programs
M Lee - Advances in agronomy, 1995 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary On a worldwide basis, plant breeding has been one of the most
successful technologies developed in modern agriculture: its methods are opportunistic and …
successful technologies developed in modern agriculture: its methods are opportunistic and …
DNA markers in plant improvement: an overview
LS Kumar - Biotechnology advances, 1999 - Elsevier
The progress made in DNA marker technology has been tremendous and exciting. DNA
markers have provided valuable tools in various analyses ranging from phylogenetic …
markers have provided valuable tools in various analyses ranging from phylogenetic …