Future directions in subduction modeling

T Gerya - Journal of Geodynamics, 2011 - Elsevier
During the last four decades, subduction remained one of the most challenging and
captivating geodynamic processes investigated with numerical techniques. While significant …

Crustal melting vs. fractionation of basaltic magmas: Part 1, granites and paradigms

JF Moyen, V Janoušek, O Laurent, O Bachmann… - Lithos, 2021 - Elsevier
Granitoids are a major component of the continental crust. They play a pivotal role in its
evolution, either by adding new material (continental growth), or by reworking older …

[CARTE][B] Introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling

T Gerya - 2019 - books.google.com
This hands-on introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling provides a solid grounding
in the necessary mathematical theory and techniques, including continuum mechanics and …

A two‐phase model for compaction and damage: 1. General theory

D Bercovici, Y Ricard, G Schubert - Journal of Geophysical …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
A theoretical model for the dynamics of a simple two‐phase mixture is presented. A classical
averaging approach combined with symmetry arguments is used to derive the mass …

Numerical modelling of magma dynamics coupled to tectonic deformation of lithosphere and crust

T Keller, DA May, BJP Kaus - Geophysical Journal International, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Many unresolved questions in geodynamics revolve around the physical behaviour of the
two-phase system of a silicate melt percolating through and interacting with a tectonically …

(De) compaction of porous viscoelastoplastic media: Model formulation

VM Yarushina, YY Podladchikov - Journal of Geophysical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
A nonlinear viscoelastoplastic theory is developed for porous rate‐dependent materials
filled with a fluid in the presence of gravity. The theory is based on a rigorous …

Geochemical diversity in first rocks examined by the Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater: Evidence for and significance of an alkali and volatile‐rich igneous source

ME Schmidt, JL Campbell, R Gellert… - Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The first four rocks examined by the Mars Science Laboratory Alpha Particle X‐ray
Spectrometer indicate that Curiosity landed in a lithologically diverse region of Mars. These …

Magma dynamics with the enthalpy method: Benchmark solutions and magmatic focusing at mid-ocean ridges

RF Katz - Journal of Petrology, 2008 - academic.oup.com
Magma genesis and transport link mantle convection with surface volcanism and hence with
the long-term chemical and morphological evolution of the Earth's; crust. Modeling the …

[PDF][PDF] Physics of mantle convection

Y Ricard - Treatise on geophysics, 2007 - academia.edu
In many text books of fluid dynamics, and for most students, the word “fluid” refers to one of
the states of matter, either liquid or gaseous, in contrast to the solid state. This definition is …

Energetics of a two-phase model of lithospheric damage, shear localization and plate-boundary formation

D Bercovici, Y Ricard - Geophysical Journal International, 2003 - academic.oup.com
The two-phase theory for compaction and damage proposed by (2001a, J. Geophys. Res.,
106, 8887–8906) employs a nonequilibrium relation between interfacial surface energy …