Personal sensing: understanding mental health using ubiquitous sensors and machine learning
Sensors in everyday devices, such as our phones, wearables, and computers, leave a
stream of digital traces. Personal sensing refers to collecting and analyzing data from …
stream of digital traces. Personal sensing refers to collecting and analyzing data from …
The future of sleep health: a data-driven revolution in sleep science and medicine
In recent years, there has been a significant expansion in the development and use of multi-
modal sensors and technologies to monitor physical activity, sleep and circadian rhythms …
modal sensors and technologies to monitor physical activity, sleep and circadian rhythms …
Cosmo: contrastive fusion learning with small data for multimodal human activity recognition
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a key enabling technology for a wide range of emerging
applications. Although multimodal sensing systems are essential for capturing complex and …
applications. Although multimodal sensing systems are essential for capturing complex and …