Network state transitions during cortical development

MW Wu, N Kourdougli, C Portera-Cailliau - Nature Reviews …, 2024 -
Mammalian cortical networks are active before synaptogenesis begins in earnest, before
neuronal migration is complete, and well before an animal opens its eyes and begins to …

Remap** revisited: how the hippocampus represents different spaces

AA Fenton - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2024 -
The representation of distinct spaces by hippocampal place cells has been linked to
changes in their place fields (the locations in the environment where the place cells …

A shift in the mechanisms controlling hippocampal engram formation during brain maturation

AI Ramsaran, Y Wang, A Golbabaei, S Aleshin… - Science, 2023 -
The ability to form precise, episodic memories develops with age, with young children only
able to form gist-like memories that lack precision. The cellular and molecular events in the …

Step by step: cells with multiple functions in cortical circuit assembly

R Cossart, S Garel - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2022 -
It is often thought that the construction of cortical circuits occurs as the result of an elegantly
designed process that unfolds sequentially as an animal develops until adult functional …

Development of prefrontal circuits and cognitive abilities

JA Pöpplau, IL Hanganu-Opatz - Cold Spring Harbor …, 2024 -
The prefrontal cortex is considered as the site of multifaceted higher-order cognitive abilities.
These abilities emerge late in life long after full sensorimotor maturation, in line with the …

Multiphoton imaging of hippocampal neural circuits: techniques and biological insights into region-, cell-type-, and pathway-specific functions

K Mizuta, M Sato - Neurophotonics, 2024 -
Significance The function of the hippocampus in behavior and cognition has long been
studied primarily through electrophysiological recordings from freely moving rodents …

Principles of GABAergic signaling in develo** cortical network dynamics

K Kirmse, C Zhang - Cell Reports, 2022 -
GABAergic signaling provides inhibitory stabilization and spatiotemporally coordinates the
firing of recurrently connected excitatory neurons in mature cortical circuits. Inhibition thus …

A developmental increase of inhibition promotes the emergence of hippocampal ripples

I Pochinok, TM Stöber, J Triesch, M Chini… - Nature …, 2024 -
Sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs) are a hippocampal network phenomenon critical for memory
consolidation and planning. SPW-Rs have been extensively studied in the adult brain, yet …

Modeling the Emergence of Circuit Organization and Function during Development

S Lakhera, E Herbert… - Cold Spring Harbor …, 2025 -
Develo** neural circuits show unique patterns of spontaneous activity and structured
network connectivity shaped by diverse activity-dependent plasticity mechanisms. Based on …

Synchronous excitation in the superficial and deep layers of the medial entorhinal cortex precedes early sharp waves in the neonatal rat hippocampus

D Shipkov, A Nasretdinov, R Khazipov… - Frontiers in Cellular …, 2024 -
Early Sharp Waves (eSPWs) are the earliest pattern of network activity in the develo**
hippocampus of neonatal rodents. eSPWs were originally considered to be an immature …