The role of neuromuscular control of postural and core stability in functional movement and athlete performance
E Zemková, L Zapletalová - Frontiers in physiology, 2022 -
Balance and core stabilization exercises have often been associated with improved athlete
performance and/or decreased incidence of injuries. While these exercises seem to be …
performance and/or decreased incidence of injuries. While these exercises seem to be …
Sport-specific training induced adaptations in postural control and their relationship with athletic performance
E Zemková, Z Kováčiková - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2023 -
Effects of various exercise programs on postural balance control in athletes and their
underlying physiological mechanisms have been extensively investigated. However, little is …
underlying physiological mechanisms have been extensively investigated. However, little is …
Biomechanical assessment of dynamic balance: Specificity of different balance tests
Dynamic balance is vitally important for most sports and activities of daily living, so the
assessment of dynamic stability has become an important issue. In consequence, a large …
assessment of dynamic stability has become an important issue. In consequence, a large …
A review of field-based assessments of neuromuscular control and their utility in male youth soccer players
Abstract Read, PJ, Oliver, JL, Croix, MS, Myer, GD, and Lloyd, RS. A review of field-based
assessments of neuromuscular control and their utility in male youth soccer players. J …
assessments of neuromuscular control and their utility in male youth soccer players. J …
Isokinetic leg muscle strength relationship to dynamic balance reflects gymnast-specific differences in adolescent females
O Kyselovičová, E Zemková, K Péliová… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Balance, together with other motor qualities, plays an important role in the successful
execution of specific gymnastic skills. However, it is also not clear whether different …
execution of specific gymnastic skills. However, it is also not clear whether different …
Influence of biological maturity on static and dynamic postural control among male youth soccer players
Background Peak height velocity has been reported to be associated with the phenomenon
of adolescent awkwardness, a temporary disruption in motor skills, and an increase in …
of adolescent awkwardness, a temporary disruption in motor skills, and an increase in …
Relationship between core stability, dynamic balance and jum** performance in soccer players
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between core stability, dynamic
balance and jum** performance in soccer players. Seventeen male soccer players …
balance and jum** performance in soccer players. Seventeen male soccer players …
The effects of inspiratory muscle training on balance and functional mobility: a systematic review
Introduction Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been widely used in both healthy and
diseased populations especially in older adults, and its effects have been proven not only on …
diseased populations especially in older adults, and its effects have been proven not only on …
Sport dependent effects on the sensory control of balance during upright posture: a comparison between professional horseback riders, judokas and non-athletes
Introduction Compared to judokas (JU) and non-athletes (NA), horseback riders (HR) may
develop specific changes in their sensory control of balance. Methods Thirty-four …
develop specific changes in their sensory control of balance. Methods Thirty-four …
Performance on a single-legged drop-jump landing test is related to increased risk of lateral ankle sprains among male elite soccer players: a 3-year prospective …
DP Fransz, A Huurnink, I Kingma… - … American journal of …, 2018 -
Background: Soccer has a high injury rate, with lateral ankle sprains being a common injury.
Therefore, an approach to prevent or at least reduce the occurrence is warranted. Injury …
Therefore, an approach to prevent or at least reduce the occurrence is warranted. Injury …