Chebyshev hierarchical equations of motion for systems with arbitrary spectral densities and temperatures
The time evolution in open quantum systems, such as a molecular aggregate in contact with
a thermal bath, still poses a complex and challenging problem. The influence of the thermal …
a thermal bath, still poses a complex and challenging problem. The influence of the thermal …
Exceptional points as signatures of dynamical magnetic phase transitions
One of the most fascinating and puzzling aspects of non-Hermitian systems is their spectral
degeneracies, ie, exceptional points (EPs), at which both eigenvalues and eigenvectors …
degeneracies, ie, exceptional points (EPs), at which both eigenvalues and eigenvectors …
Chebyshev expansion applied to dissipative quantum systems
To determine the dynamics of a molecular aggregate under the influence of a strongly time-
dependent perturbation within a dissipative environment is still, in general, a challenge. The …
dependent perturbation within a dissipative environment is still, in general, a challenge. The …
Non-equilibrium Green's function transport theory for molecular junctions with general molecule-lead coupling and temperatures
In quantum transport across molecular junctions, time-dependent effects arise mainly due to
interactions with external perturbations such as pulsed laser fields or fluctuating …
interactions with external perturbations such as pulsed laser fields or fluctuating …
Time-dependent magnetotransport in an interacting double quantum wire with window coupling
We present a double quantum wire system containing a coupling element in the middle
barrier between the two parallel quantum wires. We explicitly account for the finite length of …
barrier between the two parallel quantum wires. We explicitly account for the finite length of …
Using the Chebychev expansion in quantum transport calculations
Irradiation by laser pulses and a fluctuating surrounding liquid environment can, for
example, lead to time-dependent effects in the transport through molecular junctions. From …
example, lead to time-dependent effects in the transport through molecular junctions. From …
Photon‐spin coherent manipulation of piezotronic nanodevice
AS Abdelrazek, MM El‐banna… - Micro & Nano Letters, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The purpose of the present work is to investigate the spin dynamics of nanoscale junction
formed of diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor as two leads and a curved semiconducting …
formed of diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor as two leads and a curved semiconducting …
Photo-induced spin dynamics in nanoelectronic devices
The present research is devoted to the investigation of electron spin transmission through a
nanoelectronic device. This device is modeled as nonmagnetic semiconductor quantum dot …
nanoelectronic device. This device is modeled as nonmagnetic semiconductor quantum dot …
Enhanced photon-assisted spin transport in a quantum dot attached to ferromagnetic leads
We investigate real-time dynamics of spin-polarized current in a quantum dot coupled to
ferromagnetic leads in both parallel and antiparallel alignments. While an external bias …
ferromagnetic leads in both parallel and antiparallel alignments. While an external bias …
Correlated time-dependent transport through a two-dimensional quantum structure
We use a generalized master equation (GME) to describe the nonequilibrium
magnetotransport of interacting electrons through a broad finite quantum wire with an …
magnetotransport of interacting electrons through a broad finite quantum wire with an …