Experimental investigation of two phase flow in horizontal wells: Flow regime assessment and pressure drop analysis

R Shams, A Tavakoli, S Shad - Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017 - Elsevier
Multiphase flow is fundamental to different fields of engineering and science including
petroleum engineering. In oil and gas, flow of multiple phases inside wells is a common …

A numerical procedure for scaling droplet deformation in a microfluidic expansion channel

E Kadivar, M Farrokhbin - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2017 - Elsevier
Motivated by recent experiments, deformation and relaxation of a droplet flowing through a
narrow channel opening to a planar sudden expansion are studied. Using the boundary …

Two phase flow of liquids in a narrow gap: Phase interference and hysteresis

S Raza, SH Hejazi, ID Gates - Physics of Fluids, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
Co-current flow of two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water in a planar fracture, exhibits
nonlinear structures which become important in many natural and engineering systems such …

Experimental study of two-phase oil–polymer flow in horizontal flow path

R Shams, S Shad - Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Two-phase flow inside the oil and gas wells and flow path lines is a usual occurrence in
petroleum and petrochemical studies. Due to its complexity, flow transfer parameters such …

Sandwiched droplet actuated by Marangoni force in a Hele-Shaw cell

VV Ng, M Sellier, V Nock - Acta Mechanica, 2018 - Springer
We present a novel method of actuating a microliter droplet held within a Hele-Shaw cell by
means of the surface tension gradient or Marangoni effect. A food color droplet is first …

Physical and computational models of Marangoni and buoyancy flow during dissolution

A Chatterjee - 2012 - open.library.ubc.ca
During the production of titanium products, the presence of aluminum-rich regions can
cause Type II alpha stabilized defects which are deleterious to down-stream performance. Al …

Flow regime transfer conditions for two-phase flow in a fracture

S Shad, BB Maini, ID Gates - SPE Canada Unconventional Resources …, 2010 - onepetro.org
Overall, oil-laden fractured-rock reservoirs contain between 25 and 30 percent of the total
known global petroleum reserves. In these reservoirs, fractures are the dominant flow path …

[PDF][PDF] Self-propulsion and mixing of microdroplets through surface tension gradient

VV Ng - 2017 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
The topic researched for this thesis pertains to the transport and mixing of liquids in the
micro-scale. With microfluidic applications in mind, the aim of this research is to further …

[PDF][PDF] Phase Interference in Multiphase Flow in Thin Gaps

S Raza - 2016 - prism.ucalgary.ca
An immense quantity of hydrocarbon fuel is trapped in the fractured reservoirs, which is
challenging to recover due to a number of issues such as heterogeneity of the reservoir's …