An overview of augmented reality
Modern society is increasingly permeated by realities parallel to the real one. The so-called
virtual reality is now part of both current habits and many activities carried out during the day …
virtual reality is now part of both current habits and many activities carried out during the day …
Applications analyses, challenges and development of augmented reality in education, industry, marketing, medicine, and entertainment
DC Villagran-Vizcarra, D Luviano-Cruz… - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
This study aims to develop systematic research about augmented reality (AR) problems,
challenges, and benefits in the current applications of five fields of interest. Articles were …
challenges, and benefits in the current applications of five fields of interest. Articles were …
Remote collaboration in maintenance contexts using augmented reality: insights from a participatory process
Problem solving in Industry 4.0 often requires collaboration among remote team members,
which face increased complexity on their daily tasks and require mechanisms with adaptive …
which face increased complexity on their daily tasks and require mechanisms with adaptive …
Systematic literature review on augmented reality-based maintenance applications in manufacturing centered on operator needs
Smart manufacturing supported by emerging Industry 4.0 technologies is a key driver to
realize mass product customizations. Augmented reality (AR) has been commonly applied to …
realize mass product customizations. Augmented reality (AR) has been commonly applied to …
Engineering Students' Acceptance of Augmented Reality Technology Integrated with E-Worksheet in The Laboratory Learning.
The use of augmented reality (AR) technology in the field of education has emerged as a
rapidly growing trend. However, there is an urgent need for more comprehensive research …
rapidly growing trend. However, there is an urgent need for more comprehensive research …
[HTML][HTML] Augmented reality in maintenance—history and perspectives
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows virtual elements to be superimposed
over images of real contexts, whether these are text elements, graphics, or other types of …
over images of real contexts, whether these are text elements, graphics, or other types of …
[HTML][HTML] An augmented reality symbiosis software tool for sustainable logistics activities
Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology in the Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0
contexts with an important role in man–machine symbiosis scenarios. Practitioners, although …
contexts with an important role in man–machine symbiosis scenarios. Practitioners, although …
From lab to industry: lessons learned from the evaluation of augmented and virtual reality use cases in the Austrian manufacturing industry
For evaluation of industrial augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) applications, a
comprehensive knowledge of their impact on productivity, process metrics, and human …
comprehensive knowledge of their impact on productivity, process metrics, and human …
Augmented reality in higher education: The new reality of teaching and learning during and post-COVID-19
G Olasina - Ubiquitous Learning, 2022 - search.proquest.com
The impressive development of augmented reality (AR) tools in higher education is
instructive. AR applications and activities have not yet been reviewed in their entirety …
instructive. AR applications and activities have not yet been reviewed in their entirety …
Analysis of Computational Thinking Skill Through Technology Acceptance Model Approach Using Augmented Reality in Electronics Engineering Education.
Technological progress has brought about modifications in the educational process. This
transformation has led to numerous technological innovations for supporting student …
transformation has led to numerous technological innovations for supporting student …