GaAs integrated quantum photonics: towards compact and multi‐functional quantum photonic integrated circuits
The recent progress in integrated quantum optics has set the stage for the development of
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …
On-demand single photons with high extraction efficiency and near-unity indistinguishability from a resonantly driven quantum dot in a micropillar
Scalable photonic quantum technologies require on-demand single-photon sources with
simultaneously high levels of purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency. These key features …
simultaneously high levels of purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency. These key features …
Modelling exciton–phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots
We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon
effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level …
effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level …
Phonon scattering inhibits simultaneous near-unity efficiency and indistinguishability in semiconductor single-photon sources
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have recently emerged as a leading platform to
generate highly indistinguishable photons efficiently, and this work addresses the timely …
generate highly indistinguishable photons efficiently, and this work addresses the timely …
Near-transform-limited single photons from an efficient solid-state quantum emitter
By pulsed s-shell resonant excitation of a single quantum dot-micropillar system, we
generate long streams of 1000 near-transform-limited single photons with high mutual …
generate long streams of 1000 near-transform-limited single photons with high mutual …
Boson sampling with single-photon fock states from a bright solid-state source
A boson-sampling device is a quantum machine expected to perform tasks intractable for a
classical computer, yet requiring minimal nonclassical resources as compared to full-scale …
classical computer, yet requiring minimal nonclassical resources as compared to full-scale …
Tailoring solid-state single-photon sources with stimulated emissions
The coherent interaction of electromagnetic fields with solid-state two-level systems can
yield deterministic quantum light sources for photonic quantum technologies. To date, the …
yield deterministic quantum light sources for photonic quantum technologies. To date, the …
Scalable performance in solid-state single-photon sources
The desiderata for an ideal photon source are high brightness, high single-photon purity,
and high indistinguishability. Defining brightness at the first collection lens, these properties …
and high indistinguishability. Defining brightness at the first collection lens, these properties …
Super-radiant emission from quantum dots in a nanophotonic waveguide
Future scalable photonic quantum information processing relies on the ability of integrating
multiple interacting quantum emitters into a single chip. Quantum dots provide ideal on-chip …
multiple interacting quantum emitters into a single chip. Quantum dots provide ideal on-chip …
Reducing phonon-induced decoherence in solid-state single-photon sources with cavity quantum electrodynamics
Solid-state emitters are excellent candidates for develo** integrated sources of single
photons. Yet, phonons degrade the photon indistinguishability both through pure dephasing …
photons. Yet, phonons degrade the photon indistinguishability both through pure dephasing …