Bibliometric, network, and thematic map** analyses of metaphor and discourse in COVID-19 publications from 2020 to 2022
R Alkhammash - Frontiers in psychology, 2023 -
The research contributions of metaphor as part of (critical) discourse studies have flourished
during COVID-19; hence, it is necessary to consider their progress and foresee their future …
during COVID-19; hence, it is necessary to consider their progress and foresee their future …
The# ReframeCovid initiative: From Twitter to society via metaphor
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments, health agencies, public
institutions and the media around the world have made use of metaphors to talk about the …
institutions and the media around the world have made use of metaphors to talk about the …
Social representations of COVID-19 (Representaciones sociales del COVID-19)
Se reflexiona sobre las modalidades de comunicación de difusión, propagación y
propaganda tal como estas se manifiestan en la pandemia del COVID-19. Se describe en el …
propaganda tal como estas se manifiestan en la pandemia del COVID-19. Se describe en el …
Acting like a Hedgehog in Times of Pandemic: Metaphorical Creativity in the #reframecovid Collection
The need to provide novel but meaningful ways to reason and talk about an unprecedented
crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge of creative metaphoric …
crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge of creative metaphoric …
The power of conceptual metaphors in the age of pandemic: The influence of the WAR and SPORT domains on emotions and thoughts
Conceptual metaphors are used to conceptualise the world and are often employed in
political discourse and media to refer to important social issues, such as crises, political …
political discourse and media to refer to important social issues, such as crises, political …
Flu-like pandemics and metaphor pre-covid: A corpus investigation
C Taylor, J Kidgell - Discourse, Context & Media, 2021 - Elsevier
The use of metaphor in framing COVID-19 has already attracted considerable attention in
both academic and public debate and we have seen extensive discussion of how this …
both academic and public debate and we have seen extensive discussion of how this …
Bolsonaro e Covid-19: negacionismo, militarismo e neoliberalismo
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el discurso del presidente Bolsonaro en relación a la
pandemia de la COVID-19, para discutir el diagrama de sus prácticas gubernamentales …
pandemia de la COVID-19, para discutir el diagrama de sus prácticas gubernamentales …
[HTML][HTML] Mulheres em tempos de pandemia: um ensaio teórico-político sobre a casa ea guerra
LE Moreira, JS Alves, RG Oliveira… - Psicologia & …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Nesse ensaio, objetivamos pensar a pandemia a partir da situação das mulheres. Para
tanto, analisamos o modo como a crise sanitária aciona teórico-politicamente noções sobre …
tanto, analisamos o modo como a crise sanitária aciona teórico-politicamente noções sobre …
'War against Covid-19': Is the pandemic management as war metaphor helpful or hurtful?
A Musolff - Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Communicating Covid …, 2022 -
When the urgency and global dimension of the Covid-19 pandemic first became publicly
visible in early spring 2020, a number of political leaders in the Western world rushed to …
visible in early spring 2020, a number of political leaders in the Western world rushed to …
Audience perceptions of COVID-19 metaphors: The role of source domain and country context
Metaphors abound in descriptions of the COVID-19 pandemic: it is described, among other
things, as a war, a flood, and a marathon. However, not all metaphors may resonate equally …
things, as a war, a flood, and a marathon. However, not all metaphors may resonate equally …