Neuroplasticity of language networks in aphasia: Advances, updates, and future challenges

S Kiran, CK Thompson - Frontiers in neurology, 2019 -
Researchers have sought to understand how language is processed in the brain, how brain
damage affects language abilities, and what can be expected during the recovery period …

Brain repair after stroke—a novel neurological model

SL Small, G Buccino, A Solodkin - Nature Reviews Neurology, 2013 -
Following stroke, patients are commonly left with debilitating motor and speech impairments.
This article reviews the state of the art in neurological repair for stroke and proposes a new …

Language and developmental plasticity after perinatal stroke

EL Newport, A Seydell-Greenwald, B Landau… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
The mature human brain is lateralized for language, with the left hemisphere (LH) primarily
responsible for sentence processing and the right hemisphere (RH) primarily responsible for …

White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study

M Lunven, M Thiebaut de Schotten, C Bourlon, C Duret… - Brain, 2015 -
Chronic visual neglect prevents brain-damaged patients from returning to an independent
and active life. Detecting predictors of persistent neglect as early as possible after the stroke …

Functional brain parcellations of the infant brain and the associated developmental trends

F Shi, AP Salzwedel, W Lin, JH Gilmore… - Cerebral Cortex, 2018 -
Resting-state functional connectivity studies have dramatically improved our understanding
of the early human brain functional development during the past decade. However, one …

Age-related language lateralization assessed by fMRI: The effects of sex and handedness

R Nenert, JB Allendorfer, AM Martin, C Banks… - Brain research, 2017 - Elsevier
Previous studies focusing on the relationship between lateralization of language function
and age suffer from lack of a balanced distribution of age and handedness among …

[HTML][HTML] Disruption to functional networks in neonates with perinatal brain injury predicts motor skills at 8 months

AC Linke, C Wild, L Zubiaurre-Elorza, C Herzmann… - NeuroImage: Clinical, 2018 - Elsevier
Objective Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) of neonates with
perinatal brain injury could improve prediction of motor impairment before symptoms …

Revisiting Lenneberg's hypotheses about early developmental plasticity: Language organization after left-hemisphere perinatal stroke

EL Newport, B Landau, A Seydell-Greenwald… - …, 2017 -
A prominent theme in the literature on brain injury and recovery has been the notion of early
developmental plasticity (Kennard 1940, Kolb et al. 2000). This has been a particular focus …

Interhemispheric functional brain connectivity predicts new language learning success in adults

K Sander, X Chai, EB Barbeau, S Kousaie… - Cerebral …, 2023 -
Investigating interhemispheric interactions between homologous cortical regions during
language processing is of interest. Despite prevalent left hemisphere lateralization of …

Early predictors of neurodevelopment after perinatal arterial ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis

LM Baak, NE van der Aa, AAE Verhagen, J Dudink… - Pediatric …, 2023 -
Background and aims Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke (PAIS) often has lifelong
neurodevelopmental consequences. We aimed to review early predictors (< 4 months of …