Publication Trend of R&D in the Journal of Biological Education in Indonesia (Sinta 2: 2017-2021): A Systematic Literature Review
Research on R&D in education is still very much needed. This systematic literature review
(SLR) was aimed to analyze the trend of publications in the field of R&D in the journal of …
(SLR) was aimed to analyze the trend of publications in the field of R&D in the journal of …
Validitas Booklet Bernuansa Spiritual tentang Materi Protista sebagai Suplemen Bahan Ajar Biologi Kelas X SMA/MA
Peserta didik kesulitan memahami materi Protista dengan menggunakan bahan ajar dan
media pembelajaran yang tersedia. Peserta didik dan guru membutuhkan suatu media …
media pembelajaran yang tersedia. Peserta didik dan guru membutuhkan suatu media …
How kidneys work? Develo** of Android-based Adobe animate media for senior high school students
Media is one of the determining factors for learning success which can accommodate
student critical thinking. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning media became …
student critical thinking. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning media became …
Pengembangan modul berbentuk scrapbook pada materi sistem saraf untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMA Kelas XI
Nervous system material has a broad scope and is abstract, causing students to have
difficulty understanding. One effort that can be made to improve student learning outcomes …
difficulty understanding. One effort that can be made to improve student learning outcomes …
Meta-analisis validitas booklet klasifikasi makhluk hidup sebagai suplemen bahan ajar ipa kelas vii smp
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keabsahan Booklet Klasifikasi Makhluk
Hidup Sebagai Tambahan Ajaran untuk Kelas VII SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode …
Hidup Sebagai Tambahan Ajaran untuk Kelas VII SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode …
Pengembangan Edugame pada Materi Sistem Saraf untuk Siswa SMA
Materi sistem saraf yang kompleks sering kali membuat siswa SMA merasa kesulitan,
karena keterbatasan waktu pengajaran dan media pembalajaran yang monoton …
karena keterbatasan waktu pengajaran dan media pembalajaran yang monoton …
Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Android Berbentuk Flipbook pada Materi Sistem Ekskresi dan Sistem Koordinasi Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA
Increasingly develo** technology encourages educators to use it in the learning process
as a learning medium in order to increase student's interest in learning. However, currently …
as a learning medium in order to increase student's interest in learning. However, currently …
Development of ICT-Based teaching materials on phylogeny topic as innovations in evolution courses: a need analysis
This study aims to collect and analyze the data needed for the development of ICT-based
teaching materials in evolution courses on phylogeny topic. The methods used are …
teaching materials in evolution courses on phylogeny topic. The methods used are …
Human Pregnancy and Birth: The Enrichment of a Booklet with Medicinal Plants for Postpartum Wellness.
The complexity of the reproductive system necessitates instructional media to facilitate
comprehension, as its processes unfold internally and are not readily observable. This study …
comprehension, as its processes unfold internally and are not readily observable. This study …
Food Waste Issue for Enriching Biology Topic: A Case Study at Adiwiyata School
The purposes of this study were to find out students' learning experiences on environmental
change topic and teachers' views about the potential utilization of food waste issue for the …
change topic and teachers' views about the potential utilization of food waste issue for the …