Agricultural production systems modelling and software: current status and future prospects
During the past decade, the application of agricultural production systems modelling has
rapidly expanded while there has been less emphasis on model improvement. Crop** …
rapidly expanded while there has been less emphasis on model improvement. Crop** …
[HTML][HTML] Can yield prediction be fully digitilized? A systematic review
Going beyond previous work, this paper presents a systematic literature review that explores
the deployment of satellites, drones, and ground-based sensors for yield prediction in …
the deployment of satellites, drones, and ground-based sensors for yield prediction in …
Future area expansion outweighs increasing drought risk for soybean in Europe
Abstract The European Union is highly dependent on soybean imports from overseas to
meet its protein demands. Individual Member States have been quick to declare self …
meet its protein demands. Individual Member States have been quick to declare self …
A scalable satellite-based crop yield mapper
New advances in satellite data acquisition and processing offer promise for monitoring
agricultural lands globally. Using these data to estimate crop yields for individual fields …
agricultural lands globally. Using these data to estimate crop yields for individual fields …
Crop modelling for integrated assessment of risk to food production from climate change
The complexity of risks posed by climate change and possible adaptations for crop
production has called for integrated assessment and modelling (IAM) approaches linking …
production has called for integrated assessment and modelling (IAM) approaches linking …
Modeling the combined impacts of deficit irrigation, rising temperature and compost application on wheat yield and water productivity
Limited water resources and climate change in arid and semi-arid regions have negative
impacts on food and water security. Management of irrigation and compost may be used to …
impacts on food and water security. Management of irrigation and compost may be used to …
Predicting crop yields and soil‐plant nitrogen dynamics in the US Corn Belt
Abstract We used the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) to predict and
explain maize and soybean yields, phenology, and soil water and nitrogen (N) dynamics …
explain maize and soybean yields, phenology, and soil water and nitrogen (N) dynamics …
Simulating long-term impacts of cover crops and climate change on crop production and environmental outcomes in the Midwestern United States
It is critical to evaluate conservation practices that protect soil and water resources from
climate change in the Midwestern United States, a region that produces one-quarter of the …
climate change in the Midwestern United States, a region that produces one-quarter of the …
Modeling long-term corn yield response to nitrogen rate and crop rotation
Improved prediction of optimal N fertilizer rates for corn (Zea mays L.) can reduce N losses
and increase profits. We tested the ability of the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator …
and increase profits. We tested the ability of the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator …
The combined and separate impacts of climate extremes on the current and future US rainfed maize and soybean production under elevated CO2
Heat and drought are two emerging climatic threats to the US maize and soybean
production, yet their impacts on yields are collectively determined by the magnitude of …
production, yet their impacts on yields are collectively determined by the magnitude of …