Time scales and moments of listening effort revealed in pupillometry

MB Winn - Seminars in hearing, 2023 - thieme-connect.com
This article offers a collection of observations that highlight the value of time course data in
pupillometry and points out ways in which these observations create deeper understanding …

A decrease in physiological arousal accompanied by stable behavioral performance reflects task habituation

A Micula, J Rönnberg, Y Zhang, EHN Ng - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Despite the evidence of a positive relationship between task demands and listening effort,
the Framework for Understanding Effortful Listening (FUEL) highlights the important role of …

Pupillometry Studies of Listening Effort: Implications for Clinical Audiology

SE Kuchinsky, K DeRoy Milvae - Modern pupillometry: Cognition …, 2024 - Springer
Listening can require substantial mental effort, even for those whose hearing thresholds are
within normal limits. For individuals with hearing loss, listening-related effort and fatigue can …

Pupillometry reveals effects of pitch manipulation within and across words on listening effort and short-term memory

Y Zhang, A Sares, A Delage, A Lehmann… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
For individuals with hearing loss, even successful speech communication comes at a cost.
Cochlear implants transmit degraded information, specifically for voice pitch, which …

Time-specific components of pupil responses reveal alternations in effort allocation caused by memory task demands during speech identification in noise

P Książek, AA Zekveld, L Fiedler… - Trends in …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Daily communication may be effortful due to poor acoustic quality. In addition, memory
demands can induce effort, especially for long or complex sentences. In the current study …

Characteristics of the quick repeat-recall test (Q-RRT)

F Kuk, C Slugocki, P Korhonen - International Journal of Audiology, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Objective To determine the reliability and validity of the Quick Repeat-Recall Test (Q-RRT).
Design Within-subject repeated measures. Participants completed the Q-RRT at a speech …

Divergent effects of listening demands and evaluative threat on listening effort in online and laboratory settings

PJ Carolan, A Heinrich, KJ Munro… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Objective Listening effort (LE) varies as a function of listening demands, motivation and
resource availability, among other things. Motivation is posited to have a greater influence …

The effects of task difficulty predictability and noise reduction on recall performance and pupil dilation responses

A Micula, J Rönnberg, L Fiedler, D Wendt… - Ear and …, 2021 - journals.lww.com
Objectives: Communication requires cognitive processes which are not captured by
traditional speech understanding tests. Under challenging listening situations, more working …