Exploring the role of vocalizations in regulating group dynamics
B ** marine
ecosystems. Understanding these interactions is essential for predicting how ecosystems …
ecosystems. Understanding these interactions is essential for predicting how ecosystems …
Connecting groups and behaviours: A network analysis of identity‐infused behaviours
Research in the social identity tradition acknowledges the multiplicity of our identities and
the implications that identity compatibility has for our health and well‐being. However …
the implications that identity compatibility has for our health and well‐being. However …
Reality and imagination intertwined: A sensorimotor paradox interpretation
CO Douville - BioSystems, 2024 - Elsevier
As a hypothesis on the origins of mind and language, the evolutionary theory of the
sensorimotor paradox suggests that capacities for imagination, self-representation and …
sensorimotor paradox suggests that capacities for imagination, self-representation and …
Strength of minority ties: the role of homophily and group composition in a weighted social network
Homophily describes a fundamental tie-formation mechanism in social networks in which
connections between similar nodes occur at a higher rate than among dissimilar ones. In …
connections between similar nodes occur at a higher rate than among dissimilar ones. In …