Community structure of fishes in Cabo Pulmo reef, Gulf of California
In order to analyse the structure of the fish community in Cabo Pulmo Reef., 36 cylindrical
stationary censuses (5 m radius, 15 min of observation time) were conducted in October …
stationary censuses (5 m radius, 15 min of observation time) were conducted in October …
Historical reconstruction of Gulf of California shark fishery landings and species composition, 1939–2014, in a data-poor fishery context
Abstract The Gulf of California (GC) is one of the most historically important regions in
Mexico for shark fisheries. However, detailed historical shark landings are not available …
Mexico for shark fisheries. However, detailed historical shark landings are not available …
Lista patrón de los tiburones, rayas y quimeras (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) de México
Se presenta un listado anotado de las especies de tiburones, rayas y quimeras
(Condrictios) que han sido registrados en las aguas territoriales de México, basado en …
(Condrictios) que han sido registrados en las aguas territoriales de México, basado en …
Historical records reveal potential extirpation of four hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.) in Mexican Pacific waters
Populations of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna and Eusphyra) have declined in many regions
of the world. Six of the eight hammerheads known to date are distributed in the Mexican …
of the world. Six of the eight hammerheads known to date are distributed in the Mexican …
[HTML][HTML] Diversidad y conservación de los peces de la bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México
Se presenta el estudio de la ictiofauna de bahía de La Paz (BLP), sustentado en una lista
taxonómica actualizada con notas zoogeográficas, de conservación e importancia …
taxonómica actualizada con notas zoogeográficas, de conservación e importancia …
Deep-water bony fishes collected by the B/O Miguel Oliver on the shelf edge of Pacific Central America: an annotated, illustrated and DNA-barcoded checklist
An annotated and photographically illustrated checklist with DNA barcodes of the species of
bony fishes collected during a month-long research cruise of the Spanish Research vessel …
bony fishes collected during a month-long research cruise of the Spanish Research vessel …
[HTML][HTML] Resurrection of the name Albula pacifica (Beebe, 1942) for the shafted bonefish (Albuliformes: Albulidae) from the eastern Pacific
E Pfeiler - Revista de Biología Tropical, 2008 - scielo.sa.cr
The name Albula nemoptera (Fowler, 1911) is currently applied to the Shafted, or Threadfin,
Bonefish (Albuliformes: Albulidae) inhabiting the tropical coastal waters of both the western …
Bonefish (Albuliformes: Albulidae) inhabiting the tropical coastal waters of both the western …
[HTML][HTML] Ictiofauna de la bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, México
B Aguilar-Palomino, C Pérez Reyes… - Revista de Biología …, 2001 - scielo.sa.cr
Se presenta el elenco sistemático y la abundancia relativa de las especies ícticas de la
Bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, México, área del Pacífico Oriental Tropical con gran diversidad …
Bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, México, área del Pacífico Oriental Tropical con gran diversidad …
[HTML][HTML] New specimens and records of chondrichthyan fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) off the Mexican Pacific coast
New specimens and new records of occurrence for 10 species of chondrichthyan
(elasmobranch and chimaeroid) fishes previously unknown or little documented for the …
(elasmobranch and chimaeroid) fishes previously unknown or little documented for the …
Ecological niche modelling of endemic fish within La Paz Bay: implications for conservation
Endemic marine species are useful in determining and evaluating areas for conservation.
Particularly Warm Temperate Province of the Northeast Pacific (WTPNP) includes priority …
Particularly Warm Temperate Province of the Northeast Pacific (WTPNP) includes priority …