Community structure of fishes in Cabo Pulmo reef, Gulf of California

L Alvarez‐Filip, H Reyes‐Bonilla… - Marine …, 2006‏ - Wiley Online Library
In order to analyse the structure of the fish community in Cabo Pulmo Reef., 36 cylindrical
stationary censuses (5 m radius, 15 min of observation time) were conducted in October …

Historical reconstruction of Gulf of California shark fishery landings and species composition, 1939–2014, in a data-poor fishery context

LE Saldaña-Ruiz, O Sosa-Nishizaki, D Cartamil - Fisheries Research, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Abstract The Gulf of California (GC) is one of the most historically important regions in
Mexico for shark fisheries. However, detailed historical shark landings are not available …

Lista patrón de los tiburones, rayas y quimeras (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) de México

LFDM Flores, JJ Morrone, JA Durand… - Arxius de Miscel· lània …, 2015‏ -
Se presenta un listado anotado de las especies de tiburones, rayas y quimeras
(Condrictios) que han sido registrados en las aguas territoriales de México, basado en …

Historical records reveal potential extirpation of four hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.) in Mexican Pacific waters

JC Pérez-Jiménez - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2014‏ - Springer
Populations of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna and Eusphyra) have declined in many regions
of the world. Six of the eight hammerheads known to date are distributed in the Mexican …

[HTML][HTML] Diversidad y conservación de los peces de la bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México

AF González-Acosta, EF Balart… - Revista mexicana de …, 2018‏ -
Se presenta el estudio de la ictiofauna de bahía de La Paz (BLP), sustentado en una lista
taxonómica actualizada con notas zoogeográficas, de conservación e importancia …

Deep-water bony fishes collected by the B/O Miguel Oliver on the shelf edge of Pacific Central America: an annotated, illustrated and DNA-barcoded checklist

DR Robertson, A Angulo, CC Baldwin, DE Pitassy… - Zootaxa, 2017‏ -
An annotated and photographically illustrated checklist with DNA barcodes of the species of
bony fishes collected during a month-long research cruise of the Spanish Research vessel …

[HTML][HTML] Resurrection of the name Albula pacifica (Beebe, 1942) for the shafted bonefish (Albuliformes: Albulidae) from the eastern Pacific

E Pfeiler - Revista de Biología Tropical, 2008‏ -
The name Albula nemoptera (Fowler, 1911) is currently applied to the Shafted, or Threadfin,
Bonefish (Albuliformes: Albulidae) inhabiting the tropical coastal waters of both the western …

[HTML][HTML] Ictiofauna de la bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, México

B Aguilar-Palomino, C Pérez Reyes… - Revista de Biología …, 2001‏ -
Se presenta el elenco sistemático y la abundancia relativa de las especies ícticas de la
Bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, México, área del Pacífico Oriental Tropical con gran diversidad …

[HTML][HTML] New specimens and records of chondrichthyan fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) off the Mexican Pacific coast

G Ruiz-Campos, JL Castro-Aguirre… - Revista mexicana de …, 2010‏ -
New specimens and new records of occurrence for 10 species of chondrichthyan
(elasmobranch and chimaeroid) fishes previously unknown or little documented for the …

Ecological niche modelling of endemic fish within La Paz Bay: implications for conservation

FJ Urcádiz-Cázares, VH Cruz-Escalona… - Journal for Nature …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Endemic marine species are useful in determining and evaluating areas for conservation.
Particularly Warm Temperate Province of the Northeast Pacific (WTPNP) includes priority …