[ספר][B] Interaction

J Behney, S Gass - 2021‏ - cambridge.org
Summary This Element in the Cambridge Elements in Second Language Acquisition series
examines the role of interaction in Second Language Acquisition research, with a focus on …

The effect of focus on form instruction on intermediate EFL learners' grammar learning in task-based language teaching

A Marzban, M Mokhberi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012‏ - Elsevier
One of the current concerns of applied linguistics focuses on incorporating grammar
instruction within communicative classroom. The major points in the debates include …

Examining the language learning potential of a task-based approach to synchronous computer-meditated communication

NM Alwi, N Aloesnita - 2010‏ - openaccess.wgtn.ac.nz
This study investigates the influence of two task implementation features, the level of task
structure and the use of language support, on learner language production during task …

Learning opportunities and outcomes of L2-L2 and L2-HL learner interaction during a collaborative writing task

F Henshaw - 2013‏ - ideals.illinois.edu
Task-based pair work encompasses comprehensible input, negotiation of form and
meaning, and modified output, thus affording learners with optimal opportunities for …

Realization of preemptive focus on form in the English-language teaching context

L Tajik, K Karimi, A Ramezani - Open Linguistics, 2020‏ - degruyter.com
While reactive focus on form (FonF) has been addressed extensively in the literature,
preemptive FonF has not attracted the attention it deserves. To fill in part of this gap in the …

Preemptive Focus on Form: Teachers' Practices across Proficiencies.

F Farrokhi, AA Ansarin… - Linguistics journal, 2008‏ - search.ebscohost.com
Studies investigating the use of focus on form episodes (FFEs) have been shown to
positively affect the development of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). However, little is …

Incidental Focus on Form Techniques in Iranian EFL Classrooms: A Comparison between Expert and Novice Teachers.

F Farrokhi, M Rahimpour, Z Papi - World journal of Education, 2011‏ - ERIC
This study was an attempt to test whether there is an association between teachers' level of
experience and frequency and type of FFEs they use in EFL classes. Also, it investigated the …

Supervisors' Written Feedback and Students' Responses Towards Feedback on Undergraduate Research Proposals

A Aridah, M Hambali, MT **… - … Indonesian Journal of …, 2024‏ - journal.uinjkt.ac.id
This study explores the types of feedback given by supervisors on undergraduate thesis
proposals and investigates how the students respond to the feedback. The data were …

Incidental focus on form in an EFL talk-show class

B Asadi, J Gholami - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Most of the recent studies on incidental focus on form in EFL contexts have been conducted
in textbook-based EFL classes where opportunities for meaning-based interaction and …

Opportunities to attend to language form in the adolescent near-beginner foreign language classroom

R Erlam, M Pimentel-Hellier - Language awareness, 2017‏ - Taylor & Francis
This study investigated the occurrence of incidental focus on form in an under-researched
context, ie the intact foreign language classroom with near-beginner adolescent learners …