Critical barriers and countermeasures to urban regeneration from the stakeholder perspective: a literature review
Urban renewal involves a wide range of stakeholders with diverse expectations and
interests. Conflicts in urban renewal projects arise from intricate relationships among …
interests. Conflicts in urban renewal projects arise from intricate relationships among …
[HTML][HTML] Circular economy strategies for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage buildings to reduce environmental impacts
Circular economy strategies seek to reduce the total resources extracted from the
environment and reduce the wastes that human activities generate in pursuit of human …
environment and reduce the wastes that human activities generate in pursuit of human …
Residents' behavioral intention to participate in neighborhood micro-renewal based on an extended theory of planned behavior: A case study in Shanghai, China
Neighborhood micro-renewal (NMIR) plays a critical role in revitalizing old neighborhoods
and urban sustainability. Public participation has attracted widespread concern to satisfy the …
and urban sustainability. Public participation has attracted widespread concern to satisfy the …
[HTML][HTML] Survey of sustainable regeneration of historic and cultural cores of cities
The united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) considers the
historic urban landscapes as the world heritages. Managing historic city centers and …
historic urban landscapes as the world heritages. Managing historic city centers and …
Spatial justice in public open space planning: Accessibility and inclusivity
Among different types of land use, public open space (POS) is noted as one of the most
important assets for a city and local community, which benefits people in terms of their …
important assets for a city and local community, which benefits people in terms of their …
The network governance of urban renewal: A comparative analysis of two cities in China
Urban renewal has been an important strategic choice to promote urban development. It
involves multiple stakeholders with different interests, such as the government, enterprises …
involves multiple stakeholders with different interests, such as the government, enterprises …
Implementation strategies for sustainable renewal at the neighborhood level with the goal of reducing carbon emission
Excessive emissions of CO 2 have become an important factor affecting sustainable urban
development. In the existing renewal decision-making, few strategies have been formulated …
development. In the existing renewal decision-making, few strategies have been formulated …
How to achieve a balance between functional improvement and heritage conservation? A case study on the renewal of old Bei**g city
Historic city centers require function optimization, while simultaneously being pressured to
maintain their heritage conservation and utilization. How to reconcile the two is currently a …
maintain their heritage conservation and utilization. How to reconcile the two is currently a …
[HTML][HTML] An empirical analysis of driving factors and policy enablers of heritage adaptive reuse within the circular economy framework
The adaptive reuse of cultural heritage has been recognized as a driver of the circular
economy. It stimulates economic growth, boosts its inherent values, and reduces material …
economy. It stimulates economic growth, boosts its inherent values, and reduces material …
Unveiling citizen-government interactions in urban renewal in China: Spontaneous online opinions, reginal characteristics, and government responsiveness
The prevailing paradigm of traditional top-down urban renewal has been criticized for failing
to consider diverse public requests and preferences. This critique has prompted a “human …
to consider diverse public requests and preferences. This critique has prompted a “human …