Experimental coherent laser control of physicochemical processes

M Dantus, VV Lozovoy - Chemical reviews, 2004 - ACS Publications
The observation of coherent dynamics ensuing from the excitation of molecular systems by
femtosecond laser pulses is at the heart of femtochemistry. The time-dependent evolution of …

Quantum coherent control for nonlinear spectroscopy and microscopy

Y Silberberg - Annual review of physical chemistry, 2009 - annualreviews.org
The field of quantum coherent control, initially formulated with the goal of modifying and
manipulating molecular systems, has had a number of applications in atomic and molecular …

Adiabatic population transfer with control fields

M Demirplak, SA Rice - The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003 - ACS Publications
This paper explores the benefit of using time dependent basis sets in the description of
adiabatic population transfer between molecular states. Using a time dependent basis set …

Coherent transient enhancement of optically induced resonant transitions

N Dudovich, D Oron, Y Silberberg - Physical Review Letters, 2002 - APS
By applying pulse sha** techniques to a broadband 100 fs pulse in resonance with a two-
level atomic transition, we are able to enhance the peak transient excited level population …

Control system and apparatus for use with ultra-fast laser

M Dantus, I Pastirk, VV Lozovoy… - US Patent 7,567,596, 2009 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Primary Examiner Armando Rodriguez (63) Continuation-in-
part of application No. 10/265,211, Assistant Examiner Delma RForde filed on Oct. 4, 2002 …

Quantum transients

A del Campo, G García-Calderón, JG Muga - Physics Reports, 2009 - Elsevier
Quantum transients are temporary features of matter waves before they reach a stationary
regime. Transients may arise after the preparation of an unstable initial state or due to a …

Control system and apparatus for use with ultra-fast laser

M Dantus - US Patent 7,973,936, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A control system and apparatus for use with an ultra-fast laser is provided.
In another aspect of the present invention, the apparatus includes a laser, pulse shaper …

Cooperative emission of a coherent superflash of light

CC Kwong, T Yang, MS Pramod, K Pandey… - Physical Review Letters, 2014 - APS
We investigate the transient coherent transmission of light through an optically thick cold
strontium gas. We observe a coherent superflash just after an abrupt probe extinction, with …

Coherent strong-field control of multiple states by a single chirped femtosecond laser pulse

M Krug, T Bayer, M Wollenhaupt… - New Journal of …, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on strong-field photo-ionization of
sodium atoms using chirped femtosecond laser pulses. By tuning the chirp parameter …

Photoassociation of cold atoms with chirped laser pulses: Time-dependent calculations and analysis of the adiabatic transfer within a two-state model

E Luc-Koenig, R Kosloff, F Masnou-Seeuws… - Physical Review A …, 2004 - APS
This theoretical paper presents numerical calculations for the photoassociation of ultracold
cesium atoms with a chirped laser pulse and a detailed analysis of the results. In contrast …