[HTML][HTML] Investigating the research trends on strategic ambidexterity, agility, and open innovation in SMEs: Perceptions from bibliometric analysis
The unprecedented conditions of restrictive measures that were suddenly imposed in 2020
due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic affected business activity globally. To deal …
due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic affected business activity globally. To deal …
A systematic and critical review of waste management in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises: future directions for theory and practice
Waste management (WM) has received increasing attention in recent years in micro, small,
and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). However, a comprehensive understanding of the …
and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). However, a comprehensive understanding of the …
Unveiling green digital transformational leadership: Nexus between green digital culture, green digital mindset, and green digital transformation
The study's primary purpose has been to examine the association between Green Digital
Transformational Leadership, Green Digital Mindset, and Green Digital Transformation …
Transformational Leadership, Green Digital Mindset, and Green Digital Transformation …
Impact of green transformational leadership on employees' environmental performance in the hotel industry context: does green work engagement matter?
This study primarily aimed to investigate the impact of green transformational leadership on
employees' environmental performance and green work engagement in the hotel business …
employees' environmental performance and green work engagement in the hotel business …
Relationship between green leaders' emotional intelligence and employees' green behavior: A PLS-SEM approach
The green leadership (GL) concept has significantly gained popularity over the last decade.
Consequently, more research has been conducted on this emerging leadership concept …
Consequently, more research has been conducted on this emerging leadership concept …
Green human resource management, job embeddedness and their effects on restaurant employees' green voice behaviors
Purpose The purpose of this study is to test the interrelationships of green human resource
management (GHRM), job embeddedness (JEM), green promotive voice behavior and …
management (GHRM), job embeddedness (JEM), green promotive voice behavior and …
[HTML][HTML] Predicting the relationship between green transformational leadership, green human resource management practices, and employees' green behavior
Building on theories of Corporate Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, and Natural Resource-
Based View, this study aims to predict the positive relationship between green …
Based View, this study aims to predict the positive relationship between green …
Environmentally specific authentic leadership and team green creative behavior based on cognitive-affective path systems
Environmentally specific authentic leadership and team green creative behavior based on
cognitive-affective path systems | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert …
cognitive-affective path systems | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert …
How to encourage food waste reduction in kitchen brigades: The underlying role of 'green'transformational leadership and employees' self-efficacy
Although significant amounts of food are wasted in professional kitchens, research on food
waste behaviour among kitchen employees is limited. This study plugs this knowledge gap …
waste behaviour among kitchen employees is limited. This study plugs this knowledge gap …
[HTML][HTML] Going green together: effects of green transformational leadership on employee green behaviour and environmental performance in the Saudi food industry
Over the last few decades, environmental impacts have been a major concern not only for
policymakers but also for scholars and leaders of organisations. The leadership of …
policymakers but also for scholars and leaders of organisations. The leadership of …