Railway vehicle wheel flat detection with multiple records using spectral kurtosis analysis
The gradual deterioration of train wheels can increase the risk of failure and lead to a higher
rate of track deterioration, resulting in less reliable railway systems with higher maintenance …
rate of track deterioration, resulting in less reliable railway systems with higher maintenance …
Wear damage of out-of-round wheels in rail wagons under braking
Periodic deviation of the diameter of wheel across its circumference is referred to as the out-
of-round (OOR) defect that can cause significant damages to wheel–rail interface, affect the …
of-round (OOR) defect that can cause significant damages to wheel–rail interface, affect the …
Effect of wheel structure on friction-induced wheel polygonal wear of high-speed train
Q Zhu, GX Chen, X Kang, WJ Ren - Tribology Transactions, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Aiming at the inconsistent design standards of China's high-speed railway, the effect of
wheel structure on friction-induced wheel polygonal wear is studied. A finite element model …
wheel structure on friction-induced wheel polygonal wear is studied. A finite element model …
Railcar Wheel Impact Detection Utilizing Vibration-Based Wireless Onboard Condition Monitoring Modules
MA Barrera - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The current limitations in established rail transport condition monitoring methods have
motivated the UTCRS railway research team at UTRGV to investigate a novel solution that …
motivated the UTCRS railway research team at UTRGV to investigate a novel solution that …
[PDF][PDF] Online detection of wheel defect by extracting anomaly response features on rail: Analytical modelling, monitoring system design, and in-situ verification
This study aims to develop an online monitoring system deployed on rail tracks to detect
wheel flat-defect with the response data collected during the passage of in-service trains …
wheel flat-defect with the response data collected during the passage of in-service trains …
[HTML][HTML] Simulation of a Freight Train and The Effect of Wheel Flat Defect on The Wheel/Rail Dynamic Forces
Wheel/rail interaction is one of the most important research topics in railway engineering
and generally includes impact response, vibrations, and track safety. Track structure failures …
and generally includes impact response, vibrations, and track safety. Track structure failures …
Modèle dynamique d'interaction véhicule-voie ferroviaire en présence de défauts géométriques sur les surfaces en contact
B Pecile - 2017 - theses.hal.science
Les phénomènes dynamiques observés lors de la circulation des trains provoquent des
nuisances, notamment sonores et vibratoires, qui sont amplifiées par la présence de défauts …
nuisances, notamment sonores et vibratoires, qui sont amplifiées par la présence de défauts …
A Review of Wheel Wear Damage in Railway Vehicle
YU Pribadi, L Gunawan, IW Suweca - … Indonesia (Indonesian Railway …, 2024 - jurnal.ppi.ac.id
Damage due to wheel wear on railway trains has a significant impact on railway safety and
comfort. This review examines various aspects related to wheel wear damage on trains. The …
comfort. This review examines various aspects related to wheel wear damage on trains. The …
Development of online wheel defect detection methods for high-speed trains
X Liu - 2018 - theses.lib.polyu.edu.hk
The issue of wheel tread defects has become a major challenge for the health management
of high-speed rail in recognising the fact that a defect with small radius deviation has the …
of high-speed rail in recognising the fact that a defect with small radius deviation has the …
[HTML][HTML] 车轮扁疤对转向架系统振动特征影响分析研究
牛治慧, 王春辉, **旭伟 - Open Journal of Transportation …, 2022 - hanspub.org
车轮作为列车走行部件中重要核心部件之一, 轮轨相关作用力将直接影响车辆行驶性能和乘客
乘坐舒适性, 以CRH380 为对象, 建立了车辆轨道耦合动力学模型, 通过仿真分析了车轮扁疤对 …
乘坐舒适性, 以CRH380 为对象, 建立了车辆轨道耦合动力学模型, 通过仿真分析了车轮扁疤对 …