[ספר][B] Categories for Quantum Theory: an introduction
Monoidal category theory serves as a powerful framework for describing logical aspects of
quantum theory, giving an abstract language for parallel and sequential composition, and a …
quantum theory, giving an abstract language for parallel and sequential composition, and a …
Interacting quantum observables: categorical algebra and diagrammatics
This paper has two tightly intertwined aims:(i) to introduce an intuitive and universal
graphical calculus for multi-qubit systems, the ZX-calculus, which greatly simplifies …
graphical calculus for multi-qubit systems, the ZX-calculus, which greatly simplifies …
Interacting quantum observables
We formalise the constructive content of an essential feature of quantum mechanics: the
interaction of complementary quantum observables, and information flow mediated by them …
interaction of complementary quantum observables, and information flow mediated by them …
Categorical quantum mechanics
Our aim is to revisit the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics from a novel point
of view. The standard axiomatic presentation of quantum mechanics in terms of Hilbert …
of view. The standard axiomatic presentation of quantum mechanics in terms of Hilbert …
Categories for the practising physicist
In this chapter we survey some particular topics in category theory in a somewhat
unconventional manner. Our main focus will be on monoidal categories, mostly symmetric …
unconventional manner. Our main focus will be on monoidal categories, mostly symmetric …
Globular: an online proof assistant for higher-dimensional rewriting
This article introduces Globular, an online proof assistant for the formalization and
verification of proofs in higher-dimensional category theory. The tool produces graphical …
verification of proofs in higher-dimensional category theory. The tool produces graphical …
The compositional structure of multipartite quantum entanglement
Multipartite quantum states constitute a (if not the) key resource for quantum computations
and protocols. However obtaining a generic, structural understanding of entanglement in N …
and protocols. However obtaining a generic, structural understanding of entanglement in N …
Picturing classical and quantum Bayesian inference
We introduce a graphical framework for Bayesian inference that is sufficiently general to
accommodate not just the standard case but also recent proposals for a theory of quantum …
accommodate not just the standard case but also recent proposals for a theory of quantum …
Strong complementarity and non-locality in categorical quantum mechanics
Categorical quantum mechanics studies quantum theory in the framework of dagger-
compact closed categories. Using this framework, we establish a tight relationship between …
compact closed categories. Using this framework, we establish a tight relationship between …
A prehistory of n-categorical physics
14 a prehistory of n-categorical physics just categories and bicategories). We also include a
review of some relevant aspects of twentieth-century physics. The most obvious roads to n …
review of some relevant aspects of twentieth-century physics. The most obvious roads to n …