Seasonal and interannual variation of equatorial waves in ERA5 and GloSea5
This study presents an analysis of the equatorial waves in the ERA5 reanalysis and
forecasts of the Met Office Global Seasonal Forecast System version 5 (GloSea5), by …
forecasts of the Met Office Global Seasonal Forecast System version 5 (GloSea5), by …
Domino: A new framework for the automated identification of weather event precursors, demonstrated for European extreme rainfall
A number of studies have investigated the large‐scale drivers and upstream precursors of
extreme weather events, making it clear that the earliest warning signs of extreme events …
extreme weather events, making it clear that the earliest warning signs of extreme events …
Local identification of equatorial Kelvin waves in real‐time operational forecasts
JB Cruz, JM Castanheira… - Quarterly Journal of the …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Equatorial Kelvin waves (KWs) are associated with a variety of equatorial
atmospheric phenomena, namely, tropical convection, cloud and precipitation variability …
atmospheric phenomena, namely, tropical convection, cloud and precipitation variability …
The structure of Borneo vortices and their relationship with cold surges, the Madden–Julian oscillation and equatorial waves
The Borneo vortex (BV) is a synoptic‐scale vorticity feature found in the South China Sea
near Borneo during extended Boreal winter, which can bring heavy rain to the region …
near Borneo during extended Boreal winter, which can bring heavy rain to the region …
A vorticity budget for theoretical and convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves: Dynamical propagation and growth mechanisms
AJ Matthews - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves (CCERWs) are westward‐propagating
tropical weather systems that can trigger extreme precipitation and flooding. Here, vorticity …
tropical weather systems that can trigger extreme precipitation and flooding. Here, vorticity …
Comparison of probabilistic forecasts of extreme precipitation for a global and convection‐permitting ensemble and hybrid statistical–dynamical method based on …
Recent work has demonstrated that skilful hybrid statistical–dynamical forecasts of heavy
rainfall events in Southeast Asia can be made by combining model forecasts of the phases …
rainfall events in Southeast Asia can be made by combining model forecasts of the phases …
Sensitivity and predictability of an extreme rainfall event in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Abstract 1 The Makassar Peninsula in southwestern Sulawesi, Indonesia, experienced its
largest 2 flood in its recorded history in January 2019. Four-day accumulated rainfall …
largest 2 flood in its recorded history in January 2019. Four-day accumulated rainfall …