[КНИГА][B] Elements of (in) definiteness and binding: A Mayan perspective

J Royer - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This thesis explores topics pertaining to the syntax and semantics of nominal expressions,
with a focus on definite, indefinite, demonstrative, and pronominal elements. The data are …

[HTML][HTML] Factivity from pre-existence: Evidence from Barguzin Buryat

T Bondarenko - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2020 - glossa-journal.org
This paper examines a factivity alternation in Barguzin Buryat (Mongolic) with the verb
hanaxa, whose meaning depends on its complement. When hanaxa combines with CPs, it …

Binding and anticataphora in Mayan

J Royer - Linguistic Inquiry, 2023 - direct.mit.edu
This article examines a puzzle pertaining to the distribution of covalued nominals in two
understudied Mayan languages, Chuj and Ch'ol. While Ch'ol behaves as expected with …

Modal indefinites and semantic variation: Lessons from Chuj

J Royer, L Alonso-Ovalle - Semantics and Pragmatics, 2024 - semprag.org
Recent work proposes that modal auxiliaries project their domains from an event variable,
their 'anchor'(Hacquard 2006, 2010, Kratzer 2013). Based on the Spanish modal indefinite …

Neg-raising modals and scaleless implicatures

P Jeretič - 2021 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation explores the phenomenon of polarity-sensitive quantificational
strengthening. I claim that under certain conditions, specific expressions can strengthen from …

Modal semantic universals optimize the simplicity/informativeness trade-off

N Imel, S Steinert-Threlkeld - Semantics and …, 2022 - journals.linguisticsociety.org
The meanings expressed by the world's languages have been argued to support efficient
communication. Evidence for this hypothesis has drawn on cross-linguistic analyses of …

Vagueness as an implicit-encoding persuasive strategy: an experimental approach

G Mannaioli, A Ansani, C Coppola… - Cognitive …, 2024 - Springer
The paper provides novel theoretical and experimental perspectives on the functioning of
linguistic vagueness as an implicit persuasive strategy. It presents an operative definition of …

A semantic universal for modality

S Steinert-Threlkeld, N Imel, Q Guo - Semantics and Pragmatics, 2023 - semprag.org
This paper articulates a new semantic universal for modal expressions in natural language,
dubbed the Independence of Force and Flavor (IFF). This property accommodates …


DS Nugraha - LiNGUA, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Light verb constructions (LVCs) are combinations of a verb and a noun that operate as a
referee for a distinctive idiomatic-like meaning in which the noun is the central focus of …

[HTML][HTML] Nominal countability in Kaingang and beyond

M Navarro - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2024 - glossa-journal.org
This paper is the first investigation of nominal countability in Kaingang, a Jê language
spoken in Brazil. The main claim of this paper is that all Kaingang nouns are lexically count …