Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D imaging: The openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network
The impact of preserved museum specimens is transforming and increasing by three-
dimensional (3D) imaging that creates high-fidelity online digital specimens. Through …
dimensional (3D) imaging that creates high-fidelity online digital specimens. Through …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence in paleontology
The accumulation of large datasets and increasing data availability have led to the
emergence of data-driven paleontological studies, which reveal an unprecedented picture of …
emergence of data-driven paleontological studies, which reveal an unprecedented picture of …
A ubiquitous spectrolaminar motif of local field potential power across the primate cortex
The mammalian cerebral cortex is anatomically organized into a six-layer motif. It is currently
unknown whether a corresponding laminar motif of neuronal activity patterns exists across …
unknown whether a corresponding laminar motif of neuronal activity patterns exists across …
ALPACA: A fast and accurate computer vision approach for automated landmarking of three‐dimensional biological structures
Landmark‐based geometric morphometrics has emerged as an essential discipline for the
quantitative analysis of size and shape in ecology and evolution. With the ever‐increasing …
quantitative analysis of size and shape in ecology and evolution. With the ever‐increasing …
Shape and size variations of distal phalanges in cattle
Simple Summary There are a total of eight distal phalanges in cattle, including those in the
hindlimb and forelimb. These bones exhibit a similar shape. In this study, bones from the …
hindlimb and forelimb. These bones exhibit a similar shape. In this study, bones from the …
The hierarchical radiation of phyllostomid bats as revealed by adaptive molar morphology
Adaptive radiations are bursts in biodiversity that generate new evolutionary lineages and
phenotypes. However, because they typically occur over millions of years, it is unclear how …
phenotypes. However, because they typically occur over millions of years, it is unclear how …
A new era of morphological investigations: reviewing methods for comparative anatomical studies
The increased use of imaging technology in biological research has drastically altered
morphological studies in recent decades and allowed for the preservation of important …
morphological studies in recent decades and allowed for the preservation of important …
Spinning and corkscrewing of oceanic macroplankton revealed through in situ imaging
Helical motion is prevalent in nature and has been shown to confer stability and efficiency in
microorganisms. However, the mechanics of helical locomotion in larger organisms (> 1 …
microorganisms. However, the mechanics of helical locomotion in larger organisms (> 1 …
Many ways to build an angler: diversity of feeding morphologies in a deep-sea evolutionary radiation
Almost nothing is known about the diets of bathypelagic fishes, but functional morphology
can provide useful tools to infer ecology. Here we quantify variation in jaw and tooth …
can provide useful tools to infer ecology. Here we quantify variation in jaw and tooth …
Reconstructing the origin and early evolution of the snake brain
Snakes represent one-eighth of terrestrial vertebrate diversity, encompassing various
lifestyles, ecologies, and morphologies. However, the ecological origins and early evolution …
lifestyles, ecologies, and morphologies. However, the ecological origins and early evolution …